Point #68: Board Welcome – Jef Saunders

Jef Saunder headshotJef Saunders

Hello Point readers!

My name is Jef Saunders, and I am the new Membership Liaison. I am following Sarvas Berry—which means I have some very big, strong, charismatic shoes to fill. Hopefully, I am up  up to the task.

It is my goal to do everything possible to expand membership while maintaining the integrity and standards of this organization. I am very much interested in serving the members of the APP to the best of my ability, and I encourage members to communicate with me often about anything membership related.Together we can keep membership in the APP meaningful and worthwhile.

My sincere thanks to the outgoing Board. The tremendous job they have done only makes my job easier and more exciting. Thank you to the members who voted me into this position; I will do my best to fulfill the responsibilities you’ve entrusted to me. Finally, to the new Board of Directors: I am humbled to be working by your sides, and am excited by the work we’ve begun.