To win both innovator’s awards this APP was both a wonderful surprise and an honor. In an industry where so much is changing and evolving, it feels good to know we might be doing something right. I have never really been good at following the rules; pushing limits has always been my natural reaction to the world around me. But if it wasn’t for my team at Diablo Organics and my peer group, I would not have the freedom, support, and inspiration to produce award-winning jewelry.
Only a handful of years ago, many of the designs and concepts I utilize today would not have been well received. I have learned the hard way that the key to creating successful designs is not just innovation, but timing and perseverance. It is a testament to our industry and diversified clientele that we are capable of creating new concepts, and utilizing old (and even ancient) ideas to move out of niche markets on the fringe of society, and into the larger fashion industry as a whole. This is helping our businesses to flourish and provide professional services to the general public. So, to those of us “old timers,” I hope we can embrace the evolution of our industry, and bring positive influence and wisdom to help guide our paths. To the “fresh blood,” I enjoy the new perspectives and energy you bring to the table, challenging us to stay relevant in this ultra-fast-paced world.
We entered and won with the saddle spreader hooks in the Technical Innovation category. It’s a variation on our original spreader hook. I designed it to accommodate our ever-growing line of “dangles.” It is a simple and basic concept all piercers use whether they’re conscious of it or not. Spreading pressure over a wider surface area creates a more comfortable and wearable piece of jewelry. This design allows people of all different sizes to rock progressively heavier “dangles”. It also allows me, as a designer, to create pieces that would otherwise be too heavy to wear.
For the Creative Innovator Award, I used a design I’ve had on the books for a few years but have never had the right materials to make happen. Then I came across an amazing section of “grade A” fossilized mammoth tusk allowing us to make these beautiful, three-inch swastikas a reality. The swastika is a hot topic in the Western world, especially in the cyber reality that currently exists, causing much debate. Mention it to people in Asia and they will shrug their shoulders and ask, “What’s the big deal?” It’s a symbol they see daily. I am aware of the negative connotations this image carries for many, the positive ones for others, the recent historical context, the ancient context, and even all the misinformation out there on the “interwebs,” the list goes on and on.
Why does Diablo Organics use it? Why do I use it in my jewelry and even in my logo? For me it is about freedom. It’s freedom from dogma, preconceived ideas, rules, opinions, religion, hate or whatever box “they” try to put me in. I’m here to smash the limits and keep kicking ass. That being said: a big THANK YOU to all of you who support us. Through your support we will continue to do what we do and bring you unique, quality jewelry made from extraordinary materials.