Point #68: No Excuses Scholar – Trist’n Peterson

tristn_headshotTrist’n Peterson

Before APP, I was an apprentice of 10 months searching for more information on the broad subject of body piercing. I was at the point in my apprenticeship where I needed to collaborate with other piercers and body modification experts about techniques, jewelry selection, and shops. How can I give my clients the best possible experience to ensure they’ll come back to me for future projects? I had alot of questions and needed answers. At conference I gathered a lot of information and advice from industry professionals on how to do exactly that.

This was my first year attending the Association of Professional Piercers Conference. When I arrived in Las Vegas I was welcomed with unkind stares at the airport and immediately felt out of my element, but this changed upon my arrival at the hotel.

I met a lot of popular body piercers who I looked up to and respected in the industry. I am so

thankful that I was picked for the “No Excuses” Scholarship because there is no way I would have socialized as much as I did if I had gone alone. What really blew me away was that every person I talked to was so eager to chat with me, help in anyway they could, and give ideas on how to better myself and my career. I am so thankful; Conference has allowed me to really remove my shell, get to know people, network, and build friendships. (I also roomed with the best people, and although space was limited, we were all equally excited to be there, meet new people, and better our careers.)

I was able to take a full class load and volunteer my extra time to the APP Volunteer crew. My

favorite class was Nostril Piercing Advanced Fundamentals because Jef and Alicia made a great team. They each have their own technique, so it was nice to see that no piercer is the same; we all have our own styles. My favorite workshop was Working Clean in Your Studio, all of the instructors made the class interesting and informational. They answered any questions with confidence and in turn taught me a lot of things I was unaware of previously. All the classes I attended were taught by well­-educated instructors and I learned so much.

Being a scholarship recipient definitely throws you into the middle of what Conference really is: an intense, beautiful, exciting, epic, inspiring, involving, life-­changing, week-­long bonanza for the modified! I am looking forward to the 2015 Conference already, and I can’t wait to see everyone and meet more people.

APP truly is like family; thank you for the experience!