The first time I ever heard Brian Skellie’s name was in a discussion about “how crazy people can get about cleanliness.” This was in 2001 or 2002 and I kind of just assumed Brian was some nut who wanted to turn body piercing into surgery. Little did I know I’d become an enormous fan of Brian’s, a proponent of much of his philosophy, a fellow Board Member and a friend.
Brian’s tenure as President was really a joy to behold. For those not in the know, Brian is a spectacular navigator of choppy waters. To him, no problem seems insurmountable; every issue fraught with emotion has a rational conclusion. Brian is the rare worker-bee that is also an expert boss.
During Brian’s tenure, the APP had it’s largest conferences to date. He helped process the application and renewals of literally hundreds of Members and applicants. He acted as a resource to the Legislation Committee. He served as International Liaison, supporting piercers all over the globe with their questions about piercing and the Association of Professional Piercers. He also filled in as Medical Liaison by committee. He spoke at industry related conferences all over the world. During all of this, he also ran businesses on two continents. Did I mention he did all of this from France, while raising two young children?
It really is difficult to imagine body piercing being quite what it is without Brian’s influence. Whether the discussion centers around health and safety, freehand technique, material standards, anodization, StatIM autoclaves, or disposable studios, Brian’s name will come up. He’s a master of all things piercing related.
If Brian’s tenure as President marked his departure from APP work, I’d write about how much we’d miss him. Of course, that’s not Brian’s style at all (and we are very thankful for this.) He will continue to assist the Board in all things technical and web related. He is now deeply entrenched in the work of updating the data processing of our ever-expanding membership. Thus giving the organization, and all APP Members, a modern and streamlined method of maintaining membership standards.
Brian hasn’t done this alone. I know this from my own personal experience. Without a dedicated partner, the kind of volunteer hours someone like Brian puts in are simply not possible. His wonderful wife Sandrine is as much a part of this work as Brian is. Thank you Sandrine!
Brian has taught me a lot about piercing, but he’s also taught me a lot about being a dad. One of my favorite experiences with Brian was talking about fatherhood in Mexico late one night while we attended the LBP Conference. It was one of those conversations you think back to and say, “I really needed that at that point in my life.” He may not have thought much about it, but I did… and still do.
So thank you, Brian. You’ve been an exceptional Board Member and President of the Association of Professional Piercers. Thank you for your ongoing support of not only the APP, but the entire piercing community.
![Jef thanks Brian for his service as APP President](