Category Conference

Point 76: From the Editor – Marina Pecorino

Marina Pecorino headshotMarina Pecorino
Managing Editor of Content & Statistics

“Good morning. Today is going to be epic!” A note with these words is how my conference experience started, and they couldn’t have been more true. is conference experience for me was epic. As my third APP Conference, this one takes the cake, but I’m sure future Conferences will be even sweeter.

I started the rough draft for this editorial after attending the week’s opening festivities at the pool party. As early morning light started peeking through my hotel window, I had an almost giddy appreciation of the events of the previous evening. For the first time at an opening party, I felt like I finally broke out of my shell. I willingly and enthusiastically floated between groups, sharing conversations about professional and personal topics; social media marketing techniques, obstacles faced by international piercers, organizing state-wide groups for piercers. I credit the awesome APP unisex underpants largely for my brazen approach.

Truthfully though, the credit should go to the incredible people in our industry, this community, and my tribe. Conference is a week of hardcore learning and aisles of unbelievably gorgeous merchandise, but it’s also a week for connecting with a much larger family. We welcome new people from around the world with an open attitude and without judgement.

My first class of Conference this year was a round table about disorders in the industry, and I heard many attendees mention social anxiety. This is certainly something I face especially in such a large crowd in such an overwhelming city, but support is strong with this group, and I feel that is a vital component for many of us. This support and lack of judgement allows Conference to serve as a safe space where ideas can flow.

Every year, I’m continually impressed by our international attendees traveling so far to share in the event. For some, the experience was only possible because of generous donations from others in our community. As an industry, the self improvement of one piercer benefits us all. The give and take of knowledge is a communal effort. Sitting around the “Splash Bar”, there are never ending opportunities to learn from exposure to new perspective through a casual conversation.

On Thursday night at the annual Banquet dinner, everyone was sporting their most futuristic attire. Quite a few folks won life-changing prizes. The scholars and volunteers cheered each other on for a week of hard work. The Board of Directors had another changing of the guard, allowing some great leaders to move on to new projects and others to take on new responsibilities. We said hello, goodbye, and thank you to members of our industry family.

And then, before we knew it, the week was over. The vibe died down and the piercing tribe dispersed. We all trickled back home and started counting the days until our next chance to gather. For many, this count-down will be short, thanks to opportunities like guest spots, Camp APP, and conferences like UKAPP (congrats on the second annual!) and BMXnet. Personally, I can’t wait to see you all in Vegas for the 22nd annual APP Conference; mark your calendars now for June 11-16, 2017.

Point 75: Preparing Your Studio For Conference – Julie & April

JulieTaylorAprilThomasJulie Taylor & April Thomas
Outreach Committee

If you or other piercers in your studio are going to be at Conference for a week, it is best to take stock of how this will affect your studio as soon as possible. The sooner you do this the sooner you put into place a plan for while you are away.

There are a variety of approaches to determining what will work best in each studio. Communicating with your entire team and making a plan in advance can reduce your anxiety about what is happening in your studio while you’re enjoying your time at Conference.

Body jewelry displayIf most of your staff is going to Conference it could be a time to close the studio and give your tattoo artists a week off. If your entire staff is away, you might consider hiring someone who can answer basic questions and book appointments for you.

It could also be a time to have a guest piercer come into assist your clients while you’re away. If you are not the studio owner, offering to fill the spot with another piercer could be greatly appreciated. APP Member Woodstock Bader, owner/piercer of Crow’s Nest Tattoo, says, “quite simply, we find a piercer we trust to live in our house and [work] at the shop.” Woodstock offers this piercer a guaranteed minimum to ensure they will make money while they cover for him.

Use your social media and email contacts to let your clients know about Conference. Get them excited about your trip, so although they will miss you when you’re gone, they know you will return full of inspiration and knowledge, and in turn they will even support you being gone. APP Member Brian Fowler, owner/piercer of Brand X Piercing, says he lets people know that he will be away for months in advance online as well as when they come in to get pierced. He says that those who stop by when he is away “receive a fancy coupon to entice them to come back.”

If you regularly answer your studio’s emails or other messages, have someone else take this task over, even if they have to refer some questions and troubleshooting to you. Vegas is not the best environment for replying to clients in a timely fashion. Pat Pierce, owner/piercer at Mauve, says he creates an email out-of-office message which “responds to anybody that emails me, stating that I am away with the dates that I am gone, what I am away for, when I will return, and that the reception staff are available.” Pat will also try to look through his messages as time permits so that he is able to respond to any urgent client concerns.

Jewelry displays at APP Conference & Exposition 2015An invaluable way to ensure that your clientele appreciate your absence, is to promote the jewelry you will be returning with. Take special orders for any vendors you only shop with while at Conference. Once you return with your goodies, plan to do things like organize a trunk show and/or update displays to show off the year’s new releases and designs. This is a great way to showcase the designs that may be unique or new to your studio. There’s nothing like sharing your post-Conference glow with your favorite clients!


Point 75: An Interview with Gus Diamond – Matte Erickson

Matte Erickson headshotMatte Erickson
Alpha-Omega Body Piercing

The Body Piercing Archive presents a new series of informal interviews with some of the most interesting people in the body piercing community. Often the importance of the spoken word and the stories handed down from one generation to another is forgotten. We hope you enjoy this lighthearted (sometimes [pierced] tongue-in-cheek) insight into our industry’s history.

Our first interview is with Gus Diamond, a piercer, cigar smoker, long-time supporter of the APP, Super Volunteer, and most importantly a pirate. Gus is also a member of a very exclusive club that many people don’t even know exists; he has attended all 20 Conferences (this year will be 21) that the APP has held. A larger than life personality, yet, humble beyond measure. Some just know him as Gus. Others know him as Funky Gus. Some, only know him as Smee. A few of us still remember he was the one that pierced Britney Spears’s navel back in 2000. So without further ado….

Gus Diamond at APP Conference 2015
In Gus We Trust

BPA: How long have you been around piercing? What is your history?
Gus: The first non-ear piercing [was] in ‘89; I got my nipple pierced while in Navy Deep Sea Dive school (because divers pierced their nipples and “dicks”). When I started piercing I was a hack piercer (from ‘90-’93) and opened my first shop in ‘94. I opened Paragon in ‘95 and sold it in ‘01 before leaving Hawaii.

BPA: Who has most influenced you over your body piercing career?
Gus: Allen Falkner, him and I were friends before piercing.

BPA: You are part of an elite group of people that has attended all 20 Conferences. What were the first conferences like?
Gus: It was amazing being in the same room with so many people that wanted to make our industry better.

BPA: What are a few of your favorite Conference memories?
Gus: There are too many to list, but if I had to narrow it down, it would be the first few Conferences in ‘96-’98, the chance to meet so many like-minded people for the first time, it is unforgettable.

BPA: When did you start volunteering at Conference and how did that affect your viewpoint on the experience?
Gus: 2003 was my first year volunteering. I feel everyone should do it at least one year.

BPA: Where do you see Conference in another 20 years?
Gus: In Las Vegas

BPA: Many of us know that in your spare time you are a pirate. Why a pirate, say instead of a buccaneer?
Gus: I’ll be a Pirate, Buccaneer, or Privateer whatever pays the most… 😉

BPA: What keeps you busy now that you no longer pierce?
Gus: I am a video editor, but am still looking for a quality shop to help and work with in my area.

BPA: Who have been your role models over your involvement in the piercing industry?
Gus: Allen Falkner, Pat Pruitt, and Steve Joyner just to name a few.

BPA: If you could pass on one piece of advice, what would it be?
Gus: Save it while you can; some day you may not be making it like you did.

BPA: Puppies or kittens?
Gus: Kittens.

Gus Diamond

We hope you enjoyed this quick insight into one of the friendliest faces at Conference, Gus Diamond. Ask him to share a great story from Conferences past when you see him in July; he has lots. We hope you look forward to our future interviews in The Point. If there is someone specific you would like to see us interview please email us at

Point 75: The Mentor Program – Cale Belford

Cale Belford headshot

Cale Belford
The Mentor Team

What is the mentor program? It is a fantastic outreach system started by Ryan Ouellette in 2009. His dream was to essentially build small conference families that could work together as a group and lean on each other for support. We have seen incredible progress and have had wonderful feedback when it comes to the program. We look forward to continuing this process for years to come.

Our mentors are well-rounded, experienced conference goers who want to ensure that the new attendees at Conference have an outstanding time. The mentor team acts to pair mentors and mentees based on similar interests, areas of knowledge, and class schedule needs. We use information built from a survey sent out during registration. These small groups consisting of a mentor and three to four mentees will help to assist and encourage each other and provide a positive and enriching Conference experience. Mentors are available to support mentees; providing reassurance if they feel overwhelmed, giving assistance with class and event schedules, or to simply give advice on where to find the tastiest tacos or a delicious vegan donut. Don’t be afraid to take full advantage of this opportunity!

Do you plan on attending Conference for the first time? Do you have questions that you would like to have answered, need help selecting your classes, or would you simply like to have a friend before arriving in Vegas? The APP Mentor Program is here to help!

If you are a first or second year attendee and would like assistance from a mentor chosen specifically for you, please email with MENTEE in the subject line. Be sure to include your name, telephone number, and other contact information in the email. There is technically no deadline for signup, but the earlier you enroll the more you will get out of the program! We are thrilled that you have decided to come to Conference this year and we are all waiting to meet you.

We genuinely want each and every one of our new attendees to get the most out of their conference experience and hope that the mentor program helps to make this possible. If you have any questions about the mentor program, becoming a mentor, or being a mentee at Conference, please do not hesitate to contact anyone on the Mentor Team. This year’s Mentor Team includes Ash Misako, Billy Wood, Chris Theis, and Cale Belford. They as well as all of our mentors can be easily identified at Conference by their Mentor Ribbons.

Part of being a mentor means that we want to ensure you are prepared and set up for success before arriving in Vegas. It’s natural to get caught up in the excitement of going to Vegas making it easy to forget even the most basic necessities. Las Vegas is a lot like the Bermuda Triangle, with all the activity and controlled chaos, it can be easy to lose track of things. So basically, if it will break your heart to lose it, leave it at home!

However, if there are a few small creature comforts from home you need to make your day a little easier or brighter, especially things you don’t feel comfortable borrowing or may be difficult to find, then bring it. The hotel will provide you with towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner, even an ironing board and hair dryer. Most of the time you can find other items in shops around the hotel, but they will be limited and expensive. If you are particular, don’t forget them.

You shouldn’t bring every credit card you have, but unexpected things may happen and it’s best to be prepared. Always keep your emergency funds separate from your spending funds.

When it comes to clothing, be sure to bring enough outfits to last you a little longer than your stay. You will be experiencing long days with many different activities and some people find it comfortable to change throughout the day. You may also want to wear different clothing to your activities, classes, meet-ups, special events, etc. And don’t forget, accidents happen, so it’s never a bad idea to have a spare shirt or pair of pants just in case. The classrooms and the hotel can get a little chilly, so you will want a sweater to make sure you are comfortable! If you enjoy dressing up for the Banquet dinner, special events, or just in general, make sure to bring your accessories. You will likely also want to look your best while enjoying the pool and hot tubs! Don’t forget about the opening party, which takes place this year at the Bally’s pool.

There may be times when you want relief from your nice shoes. We suggest bringing multiple pairs. You will track a lot of miles in Vegas!

Even if you don’t normally use lotions and moisturizers you will very likely need them in Vegas. It’s dry in the desert and even drier in the hotel. Battling dry lips in a dry climate can be even more challenging. Bring as much chap stick as you can. If you will be laying by the pool or leaving the hotel, sunscreen will save you from a nasty sunburn. Even if you only go in the sun for a few minutes, apply sunscreen! Las Vegas is no joke during the month of July!

Pain relievers, allergy pills, and the like can make a world of difference when you need it most. Make sure to bring enough to last you through your stay and a few extra days just in case. Taking vitamins in advance of arriving will improve your chances of staying healthy so don’t delay.

Things in Las Vegas can be expensive and eating between classes, events, and socializing isn’t always easy to fit in your schedule. Having a supply of on-the-go snacks that don’t require a fridge or preparation can make your week less stressed. There are some grocery stores around to help you stock up for your stay if needed.

Especially during this week of networking, it is important to stay connected. Having a copy of your portfolio ready to go on your phone or laptop can make a lasting impression while networking. With all this networking don’t be surprised if your battery needs more charging than normal. So ensuring you have chargers for all of your electronic devices is mandatory. It’s also a good idea to have a stack of business cards at the ready. We all know technology isn’t always there when we need it, so in case of an emergency or if you misplace your phone, keeping some contacts in your wallet can be a lifesaver.

By downloading the 2016 Conference app you will be able to check out your schedule, find where you are going, and to get any last minute updates.

Always have water with you! Remember that Las Vegas is a desert. Staying hydrated is not only important, but is a key to having a good experience. Awesome APP water bottles are available for purchase at the merchandise booth. There are also water dispensers provided throughout the conference area so feel free to use them!

The APP Board of Directors and Administrator, along with the Conference Staff, Volunteers and Mentors all want you to have an exceptional experience. If there are any questions we can answer or concerns that should be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Point 75: Member Updates – Aaron Pollack

Aaron Pollack

Aaron Pollack
Flying Tiger Tattoo

The APP has a lot going on this summer, and we want you to join us! Read through for all the latest updates on Conference, Camp APP, raffle updates, and the Members Meeting Notice.

Attending Conference? Be sure to book in the APP room block at Bally’s! Booking within the block allows you to have the option of choosing not to pay the resort fee (which is usually mandatory), and that alone saves you $30 a day!

Filling the room block benefits the APP’s ability to negotiate the spaces and rates we are given in the future for conference spaces and hotel rooms. The APP is able to retain its meeting spaces only when the room block is filled. Please, help us achieve our goal of filling the room block this year!

After a long day and night of socializing, being able to take one elevator back to your room is way better than taking a bus, taxi, or walking numerous blocks back to another hotel. Staying in the host hotel fosters a bigger sense of community at the event and keeps you close to your home base for the week!

Check out the links below to learn more about how to book in the APP room block at Bally’s, our host hotel for 2016. The room block closes June 21, so be sure to book today! APP ROOM BLOCK REGISTRATION

Do you like raffles that include awesome prizes? Attendees have multiple opportunities to win prizes, with separate raffles being held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Our Vendors in the past have generously donated prizes with wholesale values from $50-$15,000!

Don’t wait to buy your tickets at Conference! Purchase in advance through your registration and have the tickets waiting for you when you arrive!

The best gamble in Vegas is waiting for you at Conference 2016! Register for Conference now!

Members Meeting Notice
Members Meeting Wednesday July 27th 7-8:30pm

This meeting will cover all current APP business for the membership. Voting members will sign in to determine if the meeting has met the required quorum. Non-voting members are welcome to attend, as well as one representative from each APP Corporate Sponsor. If you wish to address the board and membership, you may reserve a time slot by emailing

There will be a Members Mingle before the meeting, 6:30-7:00pm. Refreshments will be served.

The APP and Body Piercing Archive are very excited to announce a charity fundraising auction for which all proceeds will go towards the BPA and their efforts in preserving our industry’s history!

Over the past year, beautiful handmade items were meticulously constructed from donated iconic piercing industry t-shirts. Sharon McLaughlin Gowen has generously donated her time in fabricating quilts, backpacks, bags, and Ipad cases for this cause.

The items will be on display and the silent auction will happen at the 2016 APP Conference!

Thank you Sharon and Gene Gowen for making this happen!

Conference Site Survey
Every year hundreds of piercers, counter staff, shop owners, and jewelry manufacturers look forward to the Association of Professional Piercers Conference. For the past several years we have met in the desert oasis known as Las Vegas. As we look forward to planning our Conferences for 2019 and beyond we want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to complete our survey from which we will be able to gather information pertinent to creating and putting on the best Conference possible. Thank you in advance for your time, the APP appreciates your ideas and opinions. TAKE THE SURVEY HERE.

Join us for CAMP APP 2016!

The 2nd Annual CAMP APP will be held OCT 11-15 at Hard Labor Creek State Park in beautiful Rutledge, GA

We hope you will join us for a week of fun, learning, and excitement at our 2nd annual Members Retreat.

Point 75: President’s Corner – Brian Skellie

Brian Skellie headshot at 2014 APP conference by April BerardiBrian Skellie
APP President

As I eagerly anticipate our next meeting, the gratitude that I feel towards my colleagues in this organization is responsible for a reliable renewal of enthusiasm. The APP mission, presence, and conscientiousness are core to my personal experience, education, and priorities. My purpose remains the same although my responsibilities change after this Conference.

Getting to know the membership better over these years working within the organization and at the helm has been a privilege. By making certain sacrifices and spending a lot of time on the road, I have appreciated real life meetings with quite a few of you. It has been both informative and delightful to visit with you, your studios, and manufacturing facilities.

These days, it is much easier (via the myriad of technological advancements available) to find out more about our colleagues and their work and attitudes. I’m convinced that this friendly professional espionage/stalking following is one of the best things for collegiality in our business. Evermore accessible technology has facilitated a greater sense of familiarization and a willingness to communicate. This development has provided a foundation for friendships and interaction with people who I may have otherwise been more reserved with, and I live with a daily appreciation of how online translation provides access to the world.

Our community seems to be rising, bolstered by social media and a culture of sharing among peers. Access to current information and peer review alongside beautiful examples of our work have created a level of accountability for achieving our goals and is keeping this trade lively. Aptitude and quality are continually improved upon and excellence may be recognized.

Even as I step down from Presidency this summer, we have committed to participate internationally to keep the momentum with fellow trade organizations going. I find it refreshing to see the progress of LBP and the UKAPP, along with the continuing success of our Associate Corporate Members, APTPI, ASAP, BMXnet and meetings in Germany, Spain, and France. Let’s make this happen!

Point 75: From the Editor – Kendra Jane B

Kendra Jane headshotKendra Jane Berndt
Managing Editor of Content & Archives

On May 1, 2016 the province I live in was struck with the largest disaster in my country’s history. What I have also seen come out of this tragedy is a special intimacy, and openness to help and to share with those in need. Although I do not live in Fort McMurray, where this tragedy occurred, it is a city that has supported my family for decades and is home to many of my friends. As this tragedy and the recovery efforts unfold, we are all coping in different ways, as is the case when struck with grief, sorrow, or any other very intense emotion. When I am sad or happy or anywhere inbetween I work through my feelings in the kitchen.

I have also been reading a book that has struck a chord in me. It is is both about life and cooking and I would like to share a little of it with you, our readers.

When we cook, we are expressing ourselves completely, for we always cook within the context of our lives. If we are feeling lonely, stressed, generous, too busy, happy—whatever is happening in that moment—when we step up to the stove, we cook with these circumstances as much as any ingredient or recipe. This kind of attention to the particulars of the moment won’t be found in the recipe we are using, yet it will have an enormous influence on the final product and how much enjoyment we will receive from both the doing and the consuming of it.

I want to encourage and support us to look more deeply and experience more deeply, in our everyday lives. There is a hunger for a more considered life, one where our everyday circumstances are not a series of inconveniences to get through (or around) as quickly as possible, but rather a source of awakening and pleasure. We don’t have to go looking for it, we don’t have to purchase it, because it’s right here. 1

I think I have already read the above passage a hundred times and the contents of its message makes me look more forward to our Conference than ever before. This is the one week a year I soak in every minute, every $6.00 bottle of water, every smoke filled casino, and every tired morning. There are absolutely no inconveniences, and everything is a pure source of genuine happiness and awakening.

As you read our pre-conference issue I urge you to change your mindset as you pack and prepare. In this issue you will find excellent tips from our mentor team to lessen the stress before you even leave home, setting yourself up for a successful week. If your worry is about leaving your shop while at Conference, April Thomas and Julie Taylor have put together some advice on ensuring your studio will be more than prepared for your absence.

As I wrote, edited, and compiled this issue I felt the butterflies start in my stomach, but this year I will be approaching Conference from a different perspective, one that will allow me to see my conference family in a whole new light. I urge you to do the same; open your hearts and minds, let down your guard (as hard as it may seem) and experience the week, really experience it. Amazing things can happen when you do. I look forward very much to hugging my family, my friends, and the best colleagues on the planet. So whether this is your first or your twenty-first Conference, I hope you will allow yourself to find the extraordinary in the mundane, the irreplaceable in what others dismiss as irrelevant; to have a deeper life experience.

1 Velden, Dana. Finding Yourself in the Kitchen. Rodale. New York. 2015.

Point 75: From the Editor – Marina Pecorino

Marina Pecorino headshotMarina Pecorino
Managing Editor of Content & Statistics

I was born and raised in north Florida, which unfortunately is not known for its diversity. So, having the chance to experience a convention space filled with piercing industry professionals definitely has a unique impact on me each year at Conference. Seeing so many members of a subculture in close proximity is incredible on its own, but experiencing such a high level of colleague support and strong eagerness for professional growth makes all the difference. As we all prepare for this exciting week of classes, camaraderie, and fun, please take a read through our pre-Conference issue. Julie Taylor and April Thomas have provided some tips for preparing from a business perspective. Frankie Pistone has written some very important things to consider if you are covering at a studio during Conference as well.

As I get ready to embark on my second Grand Summer Adventure and a shift in career directions, I find myself thinking about the role that APP has played in the past several years of my life. I can honestly say that volunteering has forever changed me. The support I’ve received from my fellow volunteers and colleagues has helped provide me with the confidence to take professional risks, from which I’ve had some incredible experiences. It has been quite a journey to learn that there is a place (or several) for the real “me” in the workforce. In this issue, Stephie Von Hütter Thomas describes a similar sensation during her graduate studies. The people I’ve met and worked with as a result of Conference and the APP have played a significant role in my professional identity and the course of my work life.

As I prepare to embark on a summer’s worth of exploration, culminating in our shared week in Vegas, I reflect on all the professionals I’ve connected with since my first APP Conference in 2012. Since then, I’ve witnessed and been a part of industry collaborations at all different levels around the world. As a result, I am finally learning that travel and consistent work are not mutually exclusive.

Conference is a family reunion of sorts. Every year piercers save up, plan, and buzz about seeing all of their industry family. The volunteer family is already buzzing with talks of hugs, coffee runs, nerdy late night puzzling, and Legos. It truly is an amazing week, I can’t wait to see my industry family and meet new members of our tribe in just a few short weeks!

Point 74: 1st Italian Conference on Piercing Practice – Bruno Valsecchi

Bruno Valsecchi headshot1° Convegno italiano

Roma, 28-10-2015
Organizzato da Istituto Superiore di Sanità

A Roma, mercoledì 28 Ottobre 2015, il centro ONDICO dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità ha organizzato il primo convegno sulla pratica di body piercing.

Durante il Convegno sono state analizzate interessanti argomenti inerenti la pratica di body piercing.

Di seguito il programma del Convegno:
– Dott. Renzoni e dott. Pirrera—La pratica del piercing: stato dell’arte e questioni aperte
– Dott. Ciccaglione—Rischi infettivi nella pratica del piercing
– Dott. Berardesca—Rischio dermatologico, complicanze e aftercare per il piercing
– Dott. Tammaro e dott. Persechino—Controindicazioni alla pratica del piercing
– Prof. Liguori e dott. Gallè—Aspetti epidemiologici e rischi igienico sanitari tra i giovani
– Bruno Valsecchi, body piercing e rappresentante A.P.T.P.I. ( associazione piercers e tatuatori professionisti italiani)—Introduzione alla pratica di Body Piercing e il ruolo del Piercer
– Dott.ssa Marchetto—Vigilanza e controllo delle attività di piercing:criticità riscontrata sul territorio

Come si può vedere dal programma, è stato un Convegno interessante e, per quanto riguarda la realtà italiana, pionieristico.

Si sono susseguite tutta una serie di statistiche, ricerche e proiezioni che hanno mostrato chiaramente che l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità ha ben chiaro in cosa consista l’attività del piercer, cosa sia concretamente il body piercing e come viene eseguito.

Ciò ci fa pensare che si sta procedendo verso la giusta direzione per la tutela degli operatori e per la salute del cliente.

Il fatto che abbiano contattato un piercer, per prender parte a questi lavori, fa altrettanto trasparire la sensibilità e l’interesse nei confronti di questa attività, quanto mai controversa.

Durante i lavori si sono susseguite tutta una serie di informazioni che hanno messo in evidenza la discrepanza sulla qualità e sulla durata del percorso formativo per operatori di body piercing su tutto il territorio italiano. Infatti, per fare un esempio, nonostante il fatto che le linee guida del Ministero della Sanità del 1998 mettano in evidenza e demandino la facoltà di organizzare corsi professionalizzanti per operatori di piercing e tatuaggio alle regioni, ad oggi, ancora 4 regioni non si sono adeguate a tale documento.

Per non parlare del melting pot di regolamenti, ordinanze, leggi, normative sull’attività di tatuaggio e piercing che vigono su tutto il territorio italiano.

Durante la mia presentazione, ho sottolineato, tra i vari argomenti, anche il concetto di deontologia professionale.

Spero che ciò sia servito per dare una più chiara idea sul fatto che, come categoria, noi cerchiamo di migliorare la nostra attività optando per la formazione autonoma, attraverso enti o associazioni del settore che si adoperano a tale scopo.

Ho altresì evidenziato l’importanza, per quanti desiderano intraprendere questa attività lavorativa, di integrare la parte teorica, appresa durante i corsi di formazione, con un serio tirocinio da svolgere in uno studio con un mentore di riferimento.

E’ indiscutibile, però, che occorre prestare particolare attenzione alla reputazione e alla professionalità degli insegnanti e dei relatori ai quali ci si affida.

Spero che la mia presentazione esposta durante il Convegno sia servita a dare una più chiara idea sulle possibili procedure di sicurezza utilizzabili durante la pratica di body piercing.

Dette procedure sono ritenute da noi, APTPI (Associazione Piercer Tatuatori Professionisti Italiani), gli standard minimi igienici sanitari per la salvaguardia della salute del cliente.

Mi reputo lusingato ed onorato di essere stato chiamato a svolgere questo incarico in occasione di quello che è stato un primo evento specifico sul piercing.

Spero ardentemente ne facciano seguito altri e spero che vedranno coinvolti, sempre più, operatori professionisti del settore. E’ mio personale convincimento che solo con la consulenza di seri professionisti si potrà arrivare ad ottenere una congrua, moderna, efficace e, speriamo, unificata normativa di regolamentazione della formazione degli operatori e della attività di body piercing.

Stay tuned.

1st Italian Conference

Roma, 28-10-2015
Organized from Superior Institute of Health

Organized from the Superior Institute of Health in Rome, Wednesday October 28, 2015 at the center ONDICO.

The Institute of Health organized the first conference on the practice of body piercing.

During the conference the following interesting topics related to the practice of body piercing were presented.

– Dott. Renzoni and dr. Pirrera—The practice of piercing: current status and issues
– Dott. Ciccaglione—Risk infections practice of piercing
– Dott. Berardesca—Risk dermatological complications and aftercare for piercing
– Dott. Tammaro and dr. Persechino—the practice of piercing
– Prof. Liguori and dr. Gallè—Aspect epidemiological and sanitary risks
– Mr Bruno Valsecchi, body piercer and representative APTPI (Association Piercers and Tattooists Professionals Italian)—Introduction to the practice of body piercing and the role of Piercer
– Dott.ssa Marchetto—Watch and control of piercing: critical found on territories

As you can see from the program, the conference was planned to be interesting and cover a wide range of topics. We have followed a number of statistics, research, and projections that showed clearly that the National Institute of Health has very clearly decided what constitutes the activity of the piercer, what is considered a body piercing, and how it is to be completed.

This makes us think that we’re heading in the right direction for both protection of our workers and the health of the clients. The fact that the Health authority has contacted the piercing industry, to take part in this work shows us the importance of it.

During this work, we have followed information that has highlighted the discrepancies of the quality and duration of the training courses for body piercing and piercers as a whole in Italy.

In fact, despite that, the guidelines of the Ministry of Health in 1998 suggest the right to organize professional training courses for piercers and tattoo artists by regions. However to date, four regions still do not have adequate training available. Combined with the melting pot of regulations, ordinances, and laws on the activities of tattooing and piercing that apply throughout Italy, creating standards is of utmost importance.

In my presentation, I pointed out, among other issues, the concept of professional ethics. I hoped to give a clearer idea on the fact that, as a group, we need to improve our businesses and skills by promoting education, either through agencies or industry associations. I also highlighted the importance of integrating the theory part and practical lessons, to be learned during these training courses.

I hope that my presentation during the conference served to give a clearer idea about the possible safety procedures used during a body piercing. These procedures are considered by us, APTPI (Association of Professional Tattooists Piercer Italian), the minimum standards for sanitary safeguarding the health of the client.

I am flattered and honored to be called to speak at what was the first event specific to the body piercing. I very much hope it will be the first of many, and that others will get involved. It is my personal conviction that only with the advice of serious professionals can we have a fair, modern, effective and, hopefully, unified legislation and regulation for the training of the body piercers of my country.

Stay tuned.1st Italian Conference on Piercing Practices