Category Events

Point #60: The 17th Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada – June 17-22, 2012

By Russ Foxx

Of the three APP conferences I have attended thus far, this year’s was definitely my most memorable and exciting. The sense of camaraderie in conjunction with the positive energy of all the attendees from so many countries and walks of life made me feel more at home than I ever have before.

I really feel that I should stress the importance of Conference; it is a must for any progressive piercer who wants to give their all to this industry. The number of members seems to keep growing just as the bar keeps being raised, and I don’t think that it is a coincidence. This event not only puts into perspective the necessity of safety in all aspects of the industry but also constantly amends and revises to keep up with our incredibly discerning standards. [Editor’s note: The criteria for membership has not substantially changed for quite some time.]

Just like so many years before, Bally’s was a fabulous venue for our event, and the staff took great care of us. Even though we were in a casino 24/7, that didn’t come close to overshadowing what we were really there for. It seemed to me that having our large group stationed in a busy casino actually served as a bonus opportunity for visibly modified individuals to really represent ourselves to the general public in a positive fashion. Scene points to Bally’s for that!

This year boasted record numbers of volunteers who donated their time to assist in keeping the conference running without a hitch. Between the volunteers and the APP Board members, it was a really tight ship overall. They definitely deserve recognition for the amount of hard work they put in, not to mention the fact that everyone did it smiling!

The speakers and techs did a fantastic job on the talks this year. The amount of time and effort these individuals put into each class was staggering! During conference, teaching has clearly turned into a full-time job for many of these instructors. Their efforts paint a landscape of just how far we’ve come over the years and the importance of working together toward a common goal. Not only do I find this humbling, but it should inspire more of us to do the same and chip in. I’m noticing now more than ever a steady and relevant growth in the number of piercers with legitimate bloodborne pathogens certifications. This really makes me feel that we’re on the right track.

The vendors at the exposition this year stood out as nothing short of cutting edge, actively setting the stage for newest slick styles and trends keeping our body jewelry customized and fashionable. It didn’t take much time browsing the expo floor to clearly see how much effort and expertise these companies had put into getting their wares ready for the big conference. My advice to any new faces that haven’t been to APP before is to bring as much cash as you can to spend at the expo. This is a great opportunity to pick up lots of gorgeous new jewelry from top-tier manufacturers at modest and wholesale prices. Don’t just shop for yourself, but be sure to sharpen up your jewelry displays with special items that will sweep your clients off of their feet.

This year’s post-apocalyptic themed banquet party was a total blast, complete with a well-dressed crowd and the perfect mix of intensity and humor. What dinner party is not  complete without a gorilla and a giant banana duking it out after delving into a bucket of bath salts? The collaborations between CoRE and so many other talented sideshow performers was a perfect fit for the evening. Great dinner, great show, great awards, great company. The after party was, as always, well worth the ticket price (even though I didn’t win the grand prize at the raffle I had my hopes set on).

I had the opportunity to spend time hanging out with, and learning from, so many piercers that even after a decade of poking holes my inspiration continues to increase. This keeps my passion and love for what we do in perspective and repeatedly reinforces that I’m doing what I’m truly meant to be doing. This year’s conference marks my new journey into finally opening my own studio that carries APP standards and membership under its wings. I can’t wait to dive into finally becoming an APP member, and so should you.