Issue #60 Table of Contents:
- 4 President’s Corner
- 6 Internet Posting Etiquette
- 7 Social Media for Piercers
- 8 Making Safe Piercing Viral
- 10 The APP Brochures Overview: What They Are and How to Use Them
- 12 To Pierce a Minor
- 14 Legislative Update
- 16 The 17th Annual APP Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada – 2012
- 18 Volunteer Thank You
- 19 Josh A. Prentice Volunteer Award
- 22 Award Winner for Creative Innovation: Jimmy Buddha- Diablo Organics
- 24 Award Winner for Technical Innovation: Jason Pfohl-Gorilla Glass
- 25 Thank you, Vendors
- 26 Al D. Scholars
- 28 President’s Award Winner: Steve Joyner
and more