Point #71: Survival Tips for Conference


Marina Pecorino
Managing Editor of Content & Statistics


The APP Board of Directors and Administrator, along with the Conference Staff, Volunteers and Mentors want you to have an exceptional experience. If there are any questions we can answer or concerns we can address, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What to bring to Conference:
Lip and skin moisturizers— Bring multiples, so you have something with you at all times. Even if you don’t usually need these items, you will in Las Vegas. It’s dry in the desert and even drier in the hotel.
Comfy shoes with pain relief insoles—There may be times when you want relief from your nice shoes. We suggest bringing multiple pairs so the sore spots are in different places. You will log a lot of miles in Vegas, especially with our split floorplan this year.
Medications and vitamins—If you generally have need for these types of items, pain relievers, allergy pills, and the like can make a world of difference when you need it most. Make sure to bring enough of these to get you through the week and a couple of extra days just in case. Taking vitamins in advance of Conference will improve your chances of staying healthy during Conference, so don’t delay!
Water bottle—Snazzy APP bottles are available for purchase at the merch booth! Staying hydrated is key to having a good experience; Las Vegas is a desert. Water dispensers are provided throughout the conference area, please use them!
Deodorant—If you are a wearer of such things, this is the time to use it. Conference is busy with long days and lots of networking. Smelling good is a great step toward a great first impression.
Something to throw on when it gets cold—You’ll want to stay comfortable while attending classes and socializing. The hotel and casino can get especially cold in the wee hours.
Outfits aplenty—Bring enough outfits to get through the week and maybe a couple of extra. You will be experiencing some pretty long days with lots of activity. Some people find it necessary or more comfortable to change midday. You may also want different outfits for different activities: classes, networking meetups, exercise, special events, etc. Also, don’t forget that accidents happen, so it’s never a bad idea to have a spare in case of spills.
Formal wear and costumes—If you like dressing up for special events, or just in general, make sure to bring accessories. Banquet Dinner is a great place to strut your stuff and show off your style/sense of humor.
Swimsuit, sunblock, and sunglasses—You’ll want to look your best and stay protected while enjoying the hot tubs and pool. There may also be other occasions to escape the hotel into the great, bright outdoors. If your sunglasses are expensive, make sure to hold onto them!
Cell phone and charger—Especially during a week of networking, it’s important to stay connected. Plus, you’ll want to make use of the sweet new app to check your schedule, look at maps, and get updates! Don’t be surprised if your battery needs more charging than when you’re home.
Phone numbers—In case of emergencies or a misplaced phone, having a list of contacts in your wallet can be a lifesaver. Don’t forget to add some of your newfound conference besties to this list during the week.
Business cards and portfolio— This is a great place to network and share. You will meet a lot of people and business cards will help you keep in touch after Conference. Having a copy of your portfolio or photos on your laptop/phone ready to show can leave a lasting impression while networking.
Emergency funds/capabilities— You shouldn’t bring every credit card you have, but unexpected things may happen and it’s best to be prepared. Make sure to keep your emergency stash separate from your carrying money.
Personal comfort items—If you have a preference for certain things to make your day a little brighter—especially things you wouldn’t feel comfortable borrowing or may be difficult to find—bring them along. The hotel will provide you with towels, basic shampoo/soap, iron/ ironing board, and a hair dryer. Most of the time you can find basic, common items by visiting shops in and around the hotel, but they will likely be expensive and selection will be limited. If you are particular, don’t forget them.
Snacks—Things in Las Vegas can be expensive and eating between events, classes, and socializing isn’t always easy to fit into your schedule. Having a supply of on-the-go snacks that don’t require refrigeration or preparation can make your week less stressed. We have changed the schedule to accommodate more breaks, but sometimes there is just no time for a sit down meal.

Las Vegas can be a bit like the Bermuda Triangle. With all the activity and controlled chaos, it can be easy to lose track of stuff. If it will break your heart to lose it, leave it at home.