Point #72: Receiving the President’s Award – Jef Saunders

Jef Saunder headshotJef Saunders
Membership Liaison for the Board of Directors


Writing about receiving the APP President’s Award has proved to be a daunting task. I am still in a bit of shock and still very flattered to have received the award, but I’m a little uncomfortable discussing how I found myself to be the recipient. Do I list things I’ve done that I think Brian liked? Ugh, the dreaded “humblebrag?!” No thank you, I’m not jumping into that minefield.

What I’d rather do is take this opportunity to say thanks to some of the people that have helped me, taught me, and supported me along the way. Brian Skellie presented me with the award, which made a very special thing even more so. Brian has had such a tremendous impact, not only on my career, but on my life and the way I see the world. His commitment to safety and high professional standards, as well as his seemingly neverending patience and willingness to share with others has been an inspiration to me for years. If I have been helpful to other piercers, I am thrilled, but I learned it from watching Brian.

I initially began my involvement in the APP by volunteering for the Membership Committee. I owe a tremendous amount of thanks to them for letting me be a part of the committee. The work that goes into processing new members is substantial, to say the least. It’s hard to believe there was an APP without a Membership Committee at one time, and all the work was assigned to one Board Member. Eduardo Chavarria developed the idea of delegating that work to a full committee, and was a part of it from day one. He stepped down from the Membership Committee at Conference this year. I didn’t really grasp how much Ed has given of himself to our community over the years until I worked hands on with him. Ed is truly one of those unsung heroes, quietly working hard to make sure this organization works and progresses. I want to say thank you to him personally, and on behalf of the APP.

As I mentioned during the Banquet, the Fakir Intensives have been so near and dear to me. I genuinely can’t imagine being a piercer without them. So thank you Fakir, Chleo, Ken, Eve, Tod, Ian, Grin, Natalie, Cody, Jori, Dustin, Seth, Brent, Neo, Idexa, Bettyann, Laura Jane, and all of the other instructors, students, and contributors to the Fakir Intensives. Being a part of the Fakir Intensives is one of the greatest joys in my life, and I am so thankful to all involved. Ken Coyote, in particular, has played the part of mentor, editor, critic and most importantly friend. Thank you to everyone who has done “the skirt dance”.

The APP is in a period of unprecedented growth. I really believe in this organization and its mission. I am so thankful to everyone who participates. The people who spend hours every day making sure this thing keeps moving forward, but also the members quietly providing safe piercing to their community. We are in the midst of an extraordinary and special time; we are beginning to see the fruits of our organization’s labors. My hope is that we all take a moment to really appreciate where we are, right this very moment. We are imperfect, yes, but we are improving, too. And our harshest critics are also our biggest allies, not only demanding more of the organization, but being the boots on the ground to make those improvements happen. Very few of us get to say we were there at the first Conference, but we will have the chance to say we were at the first Member’s Retreat! We can all say “this policy needs work or this pamphlet needs an update,” but we can also say “let me help improve this organization”. That’s a great place to be and an exciting time for everyone. Thanks to everyone who has worked on this organization over the past 20 years to make it what it is!

So in closing, thank you. Even if you are just reading The Point, you are participating and you are helping to make piercing safer.

2 Comments Point #72: Receiving the President’s Award – Jef Saunders

  1. Pingback: Point #72: Celebrating Some of our Special People – Kendra Jane Berndt | The Point

  2. Pingback: The Point Issue #72 | Association of Professional Piercers

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