Point 75: An Interview with Gus Diamond – Matte Erickson

Matte Erickson headshotMatte Erickson
Alpha-Omega Body Piercing

The Body Piercing Archive presents a new series of informal interviews with some of the most interesting people in the body piercing community. Often the importance of the spoken word and the stories handed down from one generation to another is forgotten. We hope you enjoy this lighthearted (sometimes [pierced] tongue-in-cheek) insight into our industry’s history.

Our first interview is with Gus Diamond, a piercer, cigar smoker, long-time supporter of the APP, Super Volunteer, and most importantly a pirate. Gus is also a member of a very exclusive club that many people don’t even know exists; he has attended all 20 Conferences (this year will be 21) that the APP has held. A larger than life personality, yet, humble beyond measure. Some just know him as Gus. Others know him as Funky Gus. Some, only know him as Smee. A few of us still remember he was the one that pierced Britney Spears’s navel back in 2000. So without further ado….

Gus Diamond at APP Conference 2015
In Gus We Trust

BPA: How long have you been around piercing? What is your history?
Gus: The first non-ear piercing [was] in ‘89; I got my nipple pierced while in Navy Deep Sea Dive school (because divers pierced their nipples and “dicks”). When I started piercing I was a hack piercer (from ‘90-’93) and opened my first shop in ‘94. I opened Paragon in ‘95 and sold it in ‘01 before leaving Hawaii.

BPA: Who has most influenced you over your body piercing career?
Gus: Allen Falkner, him and I were friends before piercing.

BPA: You are part of an elite group of people that has attended all 20 Conferences. What were the first conferences like?
Gus: It was amazing being in the same room with so many people that wanted to make our industry better.

BPA: What are a few of your favorite Conference memories?
Gus: There are too many to list, but if I had to narrow it down, it would be the first few Conferences in ‘96-’98, the chance to meet so many like-minded people for the first time, it is unforgettable.

BPA: When did you start volunteering at Conference and how did that affect your viewpoint on the experience?
Gus: 2003 was my first year volunteering. I feel everyone should do it at least one year.

BPA: Where do you see Conference in another 20 years?
Gus: In Las Vegas

BPA: Many of us know that in your spare time you are a pirate. Why a pirate, say instead of a buccaneer?
Gus: I’ll be a Pirate, Buccaneer, or Privateer whatever pays the most… 😉

BPA: What keeps you busy now that you no longer pierce?
Gus: I am a video editor, but am still looking for a quality shop to help and work with in my area.

BPA: Who have been your role models over your involvement in the piercing industry?
Gus: Allen Falkner, Pat Pruitt, and Steve Joyner just to name a few.

BPA: If you could pass on one piece of advice, what would it be?
Gus: Save it while you can; some day you may not be making it like you did.

BPA: Puppies or kittens?
Gus: Kittens.

Gus Diamond

We hope you enjoyed this quick insight into one of the friendliest faces at Conference, Gus Diamond. Ask him to share a great story from Conferences past when you see him in July; he has lots. We hope you look forward to our future interviews in The Point. If there is someone specific you would like to see us interview please email us at archive@safepiercing.org.

1 Comments Point 75: An Interview with Gus Diamond – Matte Erickson

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