Posts tagged 20th anniversary

Point #72: From the Editor – Marina Pecorino


Marina Pecorino
Managing Editor of Content & Statistics

Conference. Words can’t fully describe the experience of that one week a year.

This year marked 20 years of Conference, with a focus on the history of our industry: the first Body Piercing Archives exhibit, history classes lead by pioneers like Jim Ward, David Vidra, Fakir Musafar, and Blake Perlingieri, as well as an APP Timeline class with many of the people involved in making the Association what it is today. Throughout the week, I listened to individuals share their stories of involvement in the Association, the industry, and our community. Numerous times, the intensity of these personal narrativesan individual perspective of our shared historybrought me to tears.

This year also marked the first for many new procedures, technologies, and ideas being implemented to keep up with our growing attendance. Knowing that more than 1,000 people left Conference with new friends, an increased knowledge base, and a renewed sense of self is pretty incredible. This year’s Conference was the largest yet, and there’s every indication that next year will continue this trend.

Now that I’ve been home for nearly two months (most of you will read this closer to the three month mark), the post Vegas depression has faded and I have settled back into the groove of everyday life. But my memories of Conference are still bright and they leave me invigorated.

Still, I miss walking through the hotel and being met with welcoming smiles, warm hugs, and genuine camaraderie. Have I mentioned all the beautiful people and beautiful jewelry?! Occasionally, I look through my photos from the late night/early morning walks around the Strip, exploring the all-too-fake, yet mesmerizing “architecture”. I eagerly look through my social media to keep up with all of the amazing people I spent the week with, many of whom I met for the first time. I have received postcards and care packages from members of the volunteer family. I have sent quite a few in return and collected stacks more for future mailing. I’m already yearning for next year.

Alright, I’ll admit that maybe I’m still dealing with some PVD. The environment of that week is a hard thing not to miss, so join me as we take a detailed look at the 20th anniversary APP Conference & Exposition.