Posts tagged app conference 2015

Point #72: From the Editor – Kendra Jane Berndt

Point-70-From-the-Editor-Kendra-0.jpgKendra Jane Berndt
Managing Editor of Content & Archives

When I think back to the week of the 20th annual Association of Professional Piercers Conference, I am rendered almost speechless, and if you know me, that is difficult. PVD or post Vegas depression, as a few of us call it, has hit me especially strong this year. I find myself longing for the hugs, smiles, and the mental stimulation that Conference provides. I even miss the hustle and bustle, the over priced everything, and the smoke filled casino. At the same time I am relieved to sleep in my own bed, eat vegetables, and put into practice the learning from this year.

In this issue we will take a look through the photos, the stories, the awards, and the memories that made this year by far the best Conference I have ever been tooI am sure many others share the same sentiments as me. Each attendee will have their own favourite moments from this year. In fact some may have so many moments that picking a favourite is impossible. Personally I have been able to narrow it down to the evening of the Banquet prom. My own prom (or grad as we call it here in the Great White North) was less than perfect and, well, I would rather forget most of it honestly. However, prom at this year’s Banquet will forever be one of my happiest nights, filled with love, laughter, tears, and dancing; oh glorious dancing.

This year’s prom also gave me the chance to recognize someone very close to me, someone who has shaped the person I am and pushes me in the direction of the person I want to be. It was an absolute honour to speak to her hard work and dedication. This will forever be a memory I cherish. We love you, Caitlin. Why do I suddenly have a craving for pie?

Kendra Jane - Best Smile - 2015 Prom AwardsThe other moment that still makes me giddy like a 16 year old is the fact that you guysmy peerssaw it fitting to honour me with the “best smile in the industry”. I was shocked when I saw my name on the nomination ballot and even more so when my name was announced. You guys made me feel like the belle of the ball. Just thinking of all the smiles and love as we put this issue together has made the PVD a little more tolerable.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each attendee. You all contributed to my Conference experience. I will carry these experiences with me over the coming year until I can see you all again.

Point #69: In the Office

Caitlin McDiarmid headshotBy Caitlin McDiarmid

There is a lot to report since our 2014 Conference has ended. Over the last few months, the Conference Committee has convened multiple times, via Skype, and the overall 2015 Conference proposal that was submitted to the Board of Directors has been accepted.  2014 was extremely successful, and both the Association and our industry continue to experience fast-paced growth. This means as we grow as an Association, many things need to change with our Conference to accommodate all of our attendees and keep the event moving in the right direction! We are very excited to share a few of the changes attendees and vendors can expect in 2015.


  • The Al D. Scholarship application policies and procedures have been updated. Initial applications will be accepted December 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015.  Due to the overwhelming response to the scholarship there will now be a more stringent application process. Applicants can expect to have to answer questions in writing,  there will be a video/essay submission component, and they will be interviewed by multiple committee members. Click here for more details.
  • Attendee registration for this years Conference will stay open right up until Conference starts, though prices will increase approximately three weeks prior to Conference. (Exact date to be determined.)
  • Self-registration will be available onsite, attendees will be able to fill out their registration forms online, and simply  pay and pick up their badges at the Registration Desk.
  • Attendees can upload their documentation for proof of piercing and proof of industry affiliation during the Registration process. (However, if this is not done proof of affiliation will still be required on-site.)
  • All classes will now have a predetermined class size or limit. Attendees should register early to make sure they get exactly the classes they want.
  • Attendees will now have to sign up for any classes they want to take in advance of attendance. This includes full Conference pass holders.
  • Partial Conference attendees will now have access to the workshop courses. (You asked for it, and your access is now granted!)
  • CPR and First Aid courses will no longer be offered at Conference. Dwindling class numbers and increased access to these courses in most communities, along with the desire to provide more hours of unique education at our Conference all contributed to the committee to make this change.
  • Only full Conference pass holders can utilize the “No-Show Passes.” These passes will be available for all classes and can be used to gain access to a class which was closed/full but registered attendees fail to attend (i.e., “no-show”).
  • Classroom check-in procedures are currently being reviewed, and we hope to implement even more technology to assist in quicker more accurate load-ins. We will keep you posted!
  • Social Wall – see your photos post in real time!
  • The APP will have a Conference app (through your digital app store)  available approximately 30-60 days before the Conference. This will be a digitally enhanced version of our Conference program!
    • View your schedule and set alarms & reminders
    • View class descriptions and Speaker information
    • Provide class and Speaker feedback
    • Get detailed information on Vendors and Sponsors
    • Find interactive Event Maps: Expo Floor, Conference Area, Las Vegas
    • Build your network: This feature will allow you to scan your fellow attendees’ and vendors’ badges and directly capture their contact info!
    • Enable you to post directly to your Social Media accounts.
  • We will be offering new classes in*: Lapidary Anthropology, Jewelry Display, Industry Careers for the Non-Piercers, Portfolios, Jewelry Polishing & Care, Apprentices, Ethics, Studio Analysis, and more!
  • The Conference Committee and others are also working on some special projects “outside of” Conference events, such as an archival exhibition, special merchandise and giveaways—all in celebration of our 20th Conference!

*subject to change due to instructor availability

We look forward to seeing all of you at Conference this year. We have a lot to celebrate with our 20th Anniversary. (add)