Posts tagged appconference2016

Point 79: What a Year Can Do – Revisiting Al D. Scholars from 2016

Maree Fowler, 2016 Al D Scholar
(with Caitlin, APP Administrator)

How time flies, with this year’s APP Conference #app2017 fast approaching there’s no better time than the present to reflect on the past year.

Since attending as an AL D scholar last year, I feel like a new me in my piercing room. After coming  home  and having the confidence to try new techniques, explain things better to clients and suggesting changes to better the daily running of the studio I have found a new confidence that only could have happened because of Conference last year. Getting the opportunity to talk to fellow piercers and the vendors of companies whose jewellery I had admired for the longest time, building friendships, and the chance to network is a wonderful experience.

Since returning I have successfully become  a member of the UKAPP. I’m also a part of the UKAPP online team, running the social media and promotion alongside Seb Wolfe, of which  I am so proud of.

If I have any advice for this year’s scholarship winners, I’d say do not underestimate yourself. You can achieve anything you set your mind too.   You already have, by applying and being successful in gaining a scholarship to conference.

It truly is life changing. I can’t wait to return and see you all in  June.

Jane Absinth, 2016 Al D Scholar

Recalling my first Conference, I have this amazing warm feeling. As we were prepared for the event with the video-chats and info materials, I had the feeling it would be REALLY OVERWHELMING.

But to my pleasant surprise everything went smoothly and was not so frightening at all! Now I have a very special extension of my piercing family. Everyone I met, from the every other part of the world was just as amazing and friendly as you could imagine.

I arrived a couple of days in advance to have enough time to fight the jetlag, but it did not work and I just fell so deep into sleep that did not even hear my roommates trying to get in to check on me, even when they called security. I can only imagine what they thought about me (first time in Vegas, etc…).

I could not have asked for a better roomie than Angie and some colleagues from Germany, who showed me everything. This is how it works: you share your experience to help the newcomers, to not be immediately overwhelmed and get lost in the casinos I am not a party monster and am relatively calm so I found me and Angie were the perfect roommate match!

I had prepared myself for some really crazy hard things during my volunteer hours at the Conference, but I seemed to get along with it pretty good. Except one day I was working the door with John Robberson and he saw my break down coming and he immediately jumped in, offered to take me to the office, where I burst into tears—haha, so well prepared! 🙂 But we Russians are pretty tough, everything was fine, just my eyes were wet because of the air conditioning. I found this very situation a perfect example of our volunteer family and how it should work—ready to give all your support to the person near you.

So after all is said and done, the first and the most important piece of advice I can give. Don’t get stressed! In fact, everything is gonna be fine, you will have the most beautiful and caring people around you whenever you need anything. And moreover, it will be probably the most exciting week of your whole year: so many new things, knowledge, amazing chats with colleagues and even some relaxing at the pool. Oh and stay hydrated and don’t forget to eat! 😉

Angie Dogspot, 2016 Al D Scholar

It has been nine months since my visit to Las Vegas and the 2016 Association of Professional Piercers Conference, but it feels like yesterday. The nerves and the uncertainty I had, the experience of traveling so far alone, it was all worth it.

The welcome I got from Caitlin when I arrived late in the evening, showing me the room, while my roommate, Jane, was so asleep, we called security to make sure she was ok, oops that jet lag can be a real bummer.

It was comforting knowing she had been there a few days, and I was  really  happy that she already had a lay of the land. So she showed me around, letting me know where to find things, like Starbucks, very important! We got along perfectly, and she introduced me to so many new people.

The week flew by. I learned, met new people, laughed,  enjoyed  every  minute.  I  hate  to say I must miss all of it this year, but am more than looking forward to all the pictures and messages you guys will post. I will simply imagine I am there with you.

If I had to give our new scholars any advice it would be don’t be stressed as long as you listen and care for your body, it will be fine. Take it all in, enjoy your time with your new family, and say Hi from me.

Hope to see you all at #APP2018

Point 76: From the Editor – Kendra Jane B

Kendra Jane headshotKendra Jane Berndt
Managing Editor of Content & Archives

With a blink of an eye it is over; another Conference has come and gone. The 21st annual Association of Professional Piercers Conference was my sixth, and these six years have been quite the journey. I have gone from apprentice and Al D. Scholar to Board Member. This year’s Conference had me wearing more hats and running more steps than ever, but it also came with the chance for me to share what I do with my two daughters (and show them off a bit). Being able to share the one week of the year that makes me feel the most alive and like myself with the two people that I love more than words; I have to say it was the most rewarding experience. It was an honor to introduce them to a wonderful group of people, my community, my family, the most beautiful people I know. After all they say it takes a village to raise a child, and I belong to a great village.

I consider myself very fortunate to have grown up in a household with a mother that is not only educated, but owned her own business, travelled the world, and can change a tire or build a deck. She set me up for success without even realizing it. She allowed me to learn from my own mistakes while still showing me compassion. She may not have agreed with all of my life choices, but she always supported me. As a female leader in our community, I feel that I have a responsibility to be supportive, compassionate, and to encourage the growth of those around me.

I am so fortunate to be one of just a handful of women to have served the APP as a member of the Board of Directors. My way has been paved by powerhouses like Bethrah Szumski, Alicia Cardenas, Elayne Angel, and Ash Misako. This gives me some very big shoes to fill. These amazing ladies have shown that intelligence, hard work, determination, and perseverance will succeed. So I want to take this opportunity to say how fortunate I feel to have had the support of these fierce ladies in my career. It is no secret that our industry has been a male dominated industry since its inception (as with the majority of industries). Now that I have the opportunity to set an example for generations of young ladies, it is difficult to find words to express my appreciation. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be my best, both personally and professionally.