Posts tagged aptpi

Point 74: 1st Italian Conference on Piercing Practice – Bruno Valsecchi

Bruno Valsecchi headshot1° Convegno italiano

Roma, 28-10-2015
Organizzato da Istituto Superiore di Sanità

A Roma, mercoledì 28 Ottobre 2015, il centro ONDICO dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità ha organizzato il primo convegno sulla pratica di body piercing.

Durante il Convegno sono state analizzate interessanti argomenti inerenti la pratica di body piercing.

Di seguito il programma del Convegno:
– Dott. Renzoni e dott. Pirrera—La pratica del piercing: stato dell’arte e questioni aperte
– Dott. Ciccaglione—Rischi infettivi nella pratica del piercing
– Dott. Berardesca—Rischio dermatologico, complicanze e aftercare per il piercing
– Dott. Tammaro e dott. Persechino—Controindicazioni alla pratica del piercing
– Prof. Liguori e dott. Gallè—Aspetti epidemiologici e rischi igienico sanitari tra i giovani
– Bruno Valsecchi, body piercing e rappresentante A.P.T.P.I. ( associazione piercers e tatuatori professionisti italiani)—Introduzione alla pratica di Body Piercing e il ruolo del Piercer
– Dott.ssa Marchetto—Vigilanza e controllo delle attività di piercing:criticità riscontrata sul territorio

Come si può vedere dal programma, è stato un Convegno interessante e, per quanto riguarda la realtà italiana, pionieristico.

Si sono susseguite tutta una serie di statistiche, ricerche e proiezioni che hanno mostrato chiaramente che l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità ha ben chiaro in cosa consista l’attività del piercer, cosa sia concretamente il body piercing e come viene eseguito.

Ciò ci fa pensare che si sta procedendo verso la giusta direzione per la tutela degli operatori e per la salute del cliente.

Il fatto che abbiano contattato un piercer, per prender parte a questi lavori, fa altrettanto trasparire la sensibilità e l’interesse nei confronti di questa attività, quanto mai controversa.

Durante i lavori si sono susseguite tutta una serie di informazioni che hanno messo in evidenza la discrepanza sulla qualità e sulla durata del percorso formativo per operatori di body piercing su tutto il territorio italiano. Infatti, per fare un esempio, nonostante il fatto che le linee guida del Ministero della Sanità del 1998 mettano in evidenza e demandino la facoltà di organizzare corsi professionalizzanti per operatori di piercing e tatuaggio alle regioni, ad oggi, ancora 4 regioni non si sono adeguate a tale documento.

Per non parlare del melting pot di regolamenti, ordinanze, leggi, normative sull’attività di tatuaggio e piercing che vigono su tutto il territorio italiano.

Durante la mia presentazione, ho sottolineato, tra i vari argomenti, anche il concetto di deontologia professionale.

Spero che ciò sia servito per dare una più chiara idea sul fatto che, come categoria, noi cerchiamo di migliorare la nostra attività optando per la formazione autonoma, attraverso enti o associazioni del settore che si adoperano a tale scopo.

Ho altresì evidenziato l’importanza, per quanti desiderano intraprendere questa attività lavorativa, di integrare la parte teorica, appresa durante i corsi di formazione, con un serio tirocinio da svolgere in uno studio con un mentore di riferimento.

E’ indiscutibile, però, che occorre prestare particolare attenzione alla reputazione e alla professionalità degli insegnanti e dei relatori ai quali ci si affida.

Spero che la mia presentazione esposta durante il Convegno sia servita a dare una più chiara idea sulle possibili procedure di sicurezza utilizzabili durante la pratica di body piercing.

Dette procedure sono ritenute da noi, APTPI (Associazione Piercer Tatuatori Professionisti Italiani), gli standard minimi igienici sanitari per la salvaguardia della salute del cliente.

Mi reputo lusingato ed onorato di essere stato chiamato a svolgere questo incarico in occasione di quello che è stato un primo evento specifico sul piercing.

Spero ardentemente ne facciano seguito altri e spero che vedranno coinvolti, sempre più, operatori professionisti del settore. E’ mio personale convincimento che solo con la consulenza di seri professionisti si potrà arrivare ad ottenere una congrua, moderna, efficace e, speriamo, unificata normativa di regolamentazione della formazione degli operatori e della attività di body piercing.

Stay tuned.

1st Italian Conference

Roma, 28-10-2015
Organized from Superior Institute of Health

Organized from the Superior Institute of Health in Rome, Wednesday October 28, 2015 at the center ONDICO.

The Institute of Health organized the first conference on the practice of body piercing.

During the conference the following interesting topics related to the practice of body piercing were presented.

– Dott. Renzoni and dr. Pirrera—The practice of piercing: current status and issues
– Dott. Ciccaglione—Risk infections practice of piercing
– Dott. Berardesca—Risk dermatological complications and aftercare for piercing
– Dott. Tammaro and dr. Persechino—the practice of piercing
– Prof. Liguori and dr. Gallè—Aspect epidemiological and sanitary risks
– Mr Bruno Valsecchi, body piercer and representative APTPI (Association Piercers and Tattooists Professionals Italian)—Introduction to the practice of body piercing and the role of Piercer
– Dott.ssa Marchetto—Watch and control of piercing: critical found on territories

As you can see from the program, the conference was planned to be interesting and cover a wide range of topics. We have followed a number of statistics, research, and projections that showed clearly that the National Institute of Health has very clearly decided what constitutes the activity of the piercer, what is considered a body piercing, and how it is to be completed.

This makes us think that we’re heading in the right direction for both protection of our workers and the health of the clients. The fact that the Health authority has contacted the piercing industry, to take part in this work shows us the importance of it.

During this work, we have followed information that has highlighted the discrepancies of the quality and duration of the training courses for body piercing and piercers as a whole in Italy.

In fact, despite that, the guidelines of the Ministry of Health in 1998 suggest the right to organize professional training courses for piercers and tattoo artists by regions. However to date, four regions still do not have adequate training available. Combined with the melting pot of regulations, ordinances, and laws on the activities of tattooing and piercing that apply throughout Italy, creating standards is of utmost importance.

In my presentation, I pointed out, among other issues, the concept of professional ethics. I hoped to give a clearer idea on the fact that, as a group, we need to improve our businesses and skills by promoting education, either through agencies or industry associations. I also highlighted the importance of integrating the theory part and practical lessons, to be learned during these training courses.

I hope that my presentation during the conference served to give a clearer idea about the possible safety procedures used during a body piercing. These procedures are considered by us, APTPI (Association of Professional Tattooists Piercer Italian), the minimum standards for sanitary safeguarding the health of the client.

I am flattered and honored to be called to speak at what was the first event specific to the body piercing. I very much hope it will be the first of many, and that others will get involved. It is my personal conviction that only with the advice of serious professionals can we have a fair, modern, effective and, hopefully, unified legislation and regulation for the training of the body piercers of my country.

Stay tuned.1st Italian Conference on Piercing Practices

Point #69: President’s Corner

Brian Skellie headshot at 2014 APP conference by April BerardiBrian Skellie
APP President

Some of the most fundamental ideas about piercing are those that are most intriguing and still relevant to question. What materials are available now to make jewelry for initial healing and prolonged wear in the body safe? How does one accurately direct an edge while traversing a body part to get consistent results? What can be done to minimize harm to the client and risk to the worker?

Part of what we can delight in as piercing practitioners is the potential for continued qualitative improvement in our work. Rumination upon these questions that can incite change, coupled with a willingness to progress and try new options opens us to the possibility that each procedure, each interaction and connection made with patrons can be our best to date. We have in our hands the means to find persuasive science and novel approaches to the challenges that we face, through access to libraries and communication with colleagues worldwide.

Presenters and performers preparing for the voyage to LBP 2014
Presenters and performers preparing for the voyage to LBP 2014

The constant flow of information among our peers engages this and advances our desire for better outcomes based on both understanding and inspiration. You are welcome to join in the conversation, add to it what you can offer, and benefit from the advantages of persistent educational opportunities. This organization exists to act as a crucible for bringing our ideas and skills together to make something more versatile, robust, complete, healthier, and easier to disseminate for the betterment of our craft and our society.

One of the aspects of this trade that I cherish most is the occasion to share with others what fascinates me about our work, and to learn from them in exchange. Whether that may be in written correspondence, a phone call, video conference, in person (or in a studio), or at an event. It is encouraging to observe that virtually every one of you seems to partake in them as often as possible—and this is evidenced by the many thousands of professional conversations logged online and the outstanding international attendance at several major educational events this year, including over twenty countries represented at our Conference.

Since the 2014 APP Conference, volunteer members working with the organization have traveled as educators to share ideas related to safety, theory, technique, technology, and history to conferences held by APP associate corporate members  in Germany, Mexico, and Italy. As a participant at each, I can say they have exemplified and improved upon some of the best aspects of our event, and at the same time were quite different and unique from one another, apart from geographic location and language.

Bruno BMA describing the importance of asepsis at the 2014 BMXnet Conference in Essen, Germany

From October 2-5, the annual BMXnet event took place in Essen, Germany, and our business members Ana Paula Escalante, Christiane Löfblad, and Ryan Ouellette were welcomed back to the creative Unperfekthaus space to provide both informative lectures and hands-on demonstrations in technical skills workshops. The event is equipped to allow procedures to be performed live, and I had the privilege of demonstrating how to lose a connection and reconnect during a nostril piercing. (Sorry, David!)

Former APP Presidents Elayne Angel and Bethra Szumski (Secretary), Paul King (Treasurer), and I collectively taught a dozen classes and workshops during the event. An important element of our participation was to introduce the ideals and mission of the APP organization to new people. To that end we held a panel discussion with Ryan on how to continue our work to help fellow organizations such as BMXnet, ASAP, APTPI and LBP.

As an event that draws more international attendees than ever before, it seemed that this year English-speaking classes filled the schedule (38 in English/9 in German), and this was one of the topics discussed during the Future of BMXnet roundtable, led by one of the organizers, Stephan Strestik. They seem to have great potential, with their strong mix of educators and open exchange of ideas. The inclusion of an “all-you-can-eat” buffet for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and all-day soft drinks, coffee, and tea was very helpful, especially for those who might have skipped a meal or had to eat on the run at other events due to a full schedule.

The LBP's well-assembled dossier for their 2014 event
The LBP’s well-assembled dossier for their 2014 event

A few short weeks later, a voyage to Mexico City followed for the LBP 2do Congreso: La Asociación Latinoamericana de Body Piercing. Along with board member Jef Saunders and officers Bethra and Paul, we reunited with Ana Paula, serving as LBP Secretary, and LBP President Danny Yerna, who was previously APP International Liaison. Registration and entry to the provided transportation was fluid, and the participants who filled the meeting place quickly made it into their seats with their necessities and a binder full of all of the lecture handouts, which was provided as reading material for the road trip. Even the APP materials and class details were translated into Spanish! This allowed for in-depth discussion en route, and prepared everyone to ask informed questions—and cut down considerably on live translation time. The translation of materials in advance was first rate, and gave me peace of mind as a non-native presenter, since my competence in Spanish is not yet what I aspire to. (Aprendo español, pero yo no hablo con fluidez.)

We traveled with a large group of the attendees to the Centro Vacacional y de Convenciones IMSS Metepec, near Puebla, at the base of the Iztaccíhuatl – Popocatépetl National Park and namesake volcanoes. We drove through a beautiful nature reserve part of the park on the way. When we arrived, we toured the grounds and got a sense of the harmonious combination of natural and professional spaces the organizers found so attractive.

This event follows several successful APP Mexico conferences, and has evolved in a significantly different format in an all-inclusive setting—where transportation, lodging, and meals were all covered together with the event. Everyone was invited to take part in every class and workshop, and the planned social events, as well as to dine together. Even special guest Fakir Musafar and his partner Cleo Dubois spent a great deal of time mingling with the group outside of the auditorium.

The next week transported me to Venice, Italy where I met Paul and long-time APP conference participant Ron Garza for the Body Art Development International Piercing Class and Workshop event. This was a new offering by the APTPI affiliated organizers, with technique and theory lectures, coupled with hands-on supervised training. The format was punctual and could be repeated for focus on specifics with expert direction.

Our 20th Conference is in production now, with plenty of new ideas for you! See you at Bally’s in Las Vegas (June 7-12, 2015).