Posts tagged board member

Point 85: The APP Board Timeline

As an organization built by volunteers, we feel so fortunate to have had so many people serve our mission. As you can see from this chart, many of our Board Members have been serving the APP for upwards of a decade. We would like to thank not only the people you see listed, but all of our volunteers that have served our committees

Point 85: APP Board Members & Officers History

April 13, 1994—The first APP meeting participants (Listed as “founders” in The Point 1): (standing l-r) Irwin Kane (Gauntlet,Inc.), Raelyn Gallina, Vaughn (Body Manipulations), Michaela Grey and Jim Ward (Gauntlet, Inc.), Melisa Kaye (Body Manipulations), Richard White [Carter] (Primeval
Body), Joann Wyman (Body Manipulations), Elizabeth Brassil (Body Manipulations), Drew Ward (Gauntlet, Inc.) -(kneeling l-r) Blake Perlingieri (Nomad), Kristian White (Nomad) at Gauntlet corporate offices in San Francisco


  • Luis Garcia—International Liaison
  • Ryan Ouellette—Outreach
  • Brian Skellie—Medical Liaison
  • Kendra Jane—Vice President
  • Jef Saunders—President


  • Cody Vaughn—Vice President
  • Christopher Glunt—Medical Liaison
  • Steve Joyner—Legislation Liaison
  • Miro Hernandez—Public Relations Director
  • Jef Saunders—Membership Liaison
  • Aaron Pollack—Secretary (Board Appointed)


  • Brian Skellie—Global Media
    • Transitioned to President Q2 2014
  • Ashley Misako—Outreach


  • Elayne Angel—President
  • John Johnson—Vice President
  • Richard Frueh—Medical Liaison
  • Mike Martin—Legislation Liaison
    • Stepped down April 2013
  • Steve Joyner—Legislation Liaison
    • Appointed Legislative Chair June 2013
  • Sarvas Berry—Membership Liaison 2010–2013
  • Brian Skellie—International Liaison
  • Dana Dinius—Outreach Coordinator
    • Stepped down Q1 2012
  • Ashley Misako—Outreach
    • Appointed Q1 2012


  • James Weber—President
  • Didier Suarez—Vice-President
  • Elayne Angel—Medical Liaison
  • Eduardo Chavarria—Membership Liaison
  • Bethrah Szumski—Secretary
    • Stepped down Q2 2010
  • Paul King—Treasurer (Board Appointed Officer)


  • Danny Yerna—International Outreach Coordinator
  • Eric “Sque3z” Anderson—Outreach Coordinator


  • Alicia Cardenas—President
  • April Johnson—Vice President
  • James Weber—Medical Liaison
  • Luis Garcia—International Liaison


  • Christina Shull—Secretary
    • Stepped down Q3 2007


  • Jeffrey “Phish” Goldblatt—Outreach Coordinator
    • Stepped down Q2 2006
  • Schane Gross—Treasurer
    • Stepped down Q1 2006


  • Bethrah Szumski—President
  • Jason King—Vice-President
  • Crystal Sims—Secretary
  • Paul King—Treasurer
  • Elayne Angel—Medical Coordinator
  • Megg Mass—Outreach Coordinator
  • Alicia Cardenas—International Liaison

1999–2002 Second Election [The Point—Issue 15, May]

  • Patrick McCarthy—President
    • Elected to replace Gahdi Elias after he finished his Board term
  • April Williams-Warner—International Liaison
    • Elected to replace Al D. after he finished his Board term
  • Scott Brewer—Treasurer
    • Appointed by Pat McCarthy as interim Treasurer after Brian Skellie finished Board term June 1999. Later duly elected and stepped down Q1 2002

From The Point—Issue 16:

Many changes took place to the APP over the last year; one of the most important things was the election of a new Board. In September a new Vice President, Secretary, and Outreach Coordinator were elected. Then, in April a new President and International Liaison were introduced. During the meeting the new Board members were introduced to the membership.

APP Board Members as of October, 1999

  • Pat McCarthy—President
  • Steve Joyner—Vice President
  • Bethrah Szumski —Secretary
  • Scott Brewer—Treasurer
  • Elayne Angel —Outreach Coordinator
  • April Williams-Warner—International Liaison
  • Dr. Jack Ward—Medical Liaison

1999–2001 First APP Elected Board [The Point—Issue 14, April]

  • Steve Joyner—Vice President 1999
  • Bethrah Szumski—Secretary
  • Elayne Angel—Outreach Coordinator
  • Jeff Martin—Outreach Coordinator
    • Stepped down December 1999

From The Point—Issue 14:

The past year has seen Board member installment go from an appointment to an electoral process.

The first such election installed: Steve Joyner as Vice Chair, Elayne Angel as Outreach Coordinator, Bethrah Szumski as Secretary

As people come so do they go: Dave Vidra served as OSHA Liaison until Nov 1998, Derek Lowe served as Secretary until Nov 1998.

Jeff Martin served as Outreach Coordinator until Dec 1999.

1998 [The Point—Issue 13, Summer]

Stepped down:

  • David Vidra resigned November 1998 after multiple Board terms
  • Derek Lowe resigned November 1998

1998 Board of Directors [The Point—Issue 12, First Quarter]

  • Gahdi Elias (Mastodon)—Chair
    • Brian Skellie appointed to serve the duties of Chair while Gahdi traveled abroad
  • Kent Fazekas—Chair
    • Stepped down
  • Elizabeth Getschal—appointed Board Liaison under Chair

1997 Transitions [The Point—Issue 11, Fall]

  • David Vidra (BodyWork Productions)—OSHA /Legislative Liaison
    • Exchanged positions with Al D. Sowers
  • Al D. Sowers (Playspace Ltd./ Sin)—International Liaison
  • Michaela Grey finished her Board term and continued as a Business Member in good standing
  • Dr. John Ward—Medical Liaison

1997–1999 [The Point—Issue 10, June]

  • Kent Fazekas—Chair
    • Transitioned from Treasurer
  • Brian Skellie—Treasurer
  • Michaela Grey—International Liaison
    • Transitioned from Chair
  • Crystal Cross
    • Stepped down
  • Curt Warren (Koi)—Coordinator
  • Rob Petroff
    • Stepped down
  • Jeff Martin (Obscurities)—Outreach coordinator
  • Tracy Faraca
    • Stepped down
  • Derek Lowe (Steve’s Tattoo and Body Piercing)—Secretary
  • Allen Falkner
    • Stepped down

1996 Two new Board Members [The Point—Issue 8, August]

  • David Vidra (BodyWork Productions)—Medical Liaison
  • Al D. Sowers (Playspace Ltd./ Sin)—OSHA /Legislative Liaison
  • Crystal Cross (Primeval Body)—New Title: International Liaison
  • Blake Perlingieri and Maria Tashjian finish their Board terms and continue as Business Members in good standing
  • Rev. Drew Lewis started APP archives [Not Board Member (Media Committee)]

1995 Initial Appointed Board [The Point—Issue 6, November]

  • Crystal Cross & Richard White (Primeval Body)
  • Ahna Edwards (Attitudes, Inc.)—Outreach Coordinator
  • Position taken over by Tracy Faraca (Attitudes, Inc.)
  • Kent Fazekas (Body Accents)—Treasurer
  • Gahdi (Mastodon)—Vice Chair
  • Michaela Grey (Gauntlet, Inc.)—Chair
  • Blake Perlingieri & Kristian White (Nomad)
  • Rob Petroff (Insane Creations)—Coordinating Board Member
  • Maria Tashjian (Venus Modern Body Arts)
  • Allen Falkner (Obscurities)—Secretary

Point 75: President’s Corner – Brian Skellie

Brian Skellie headshot at 2014 APP conference by April BerardiBrian Skellie
APP President

As I eagerly anticipate our next meeting, the gratitude that I feel towards my colleagues in this organization is responsible for a reliable renewal of enthusiasm. The APP mission, presence, and conscientiousness are core to my personal experience, education, and priorities. My purpose remains the same although my responsibilities change after this Conference.

Getting to know the membership better over these years working within the organization and at the helm has been a privilege. By making certain sacrifices and spending a lot of time on the road, I have appreciated real life meetings with quite a few of you. It has been both informative and delightful to visit with you, your studios, and manufacturing facilities.

These days, it is much easier (via the myriad of technological advancements available) to find out more about our colleagues and their work and attitudes. I’m convinced that this friendly professional espionage/stalking following is one of the best things for collegiality in our business. Evermore accessible technology has facilitated a greater sense of familiarization and a willingness to communicate. This development has provided a foundation for friendships and interaction with people who I may have otherwise been more reserved with, and I live with a daily appreciation of how online translation provides access to the world.

Our community seems to be rising, bolstered by social media and a culture of sharing among peers. Access to current information and peer review alongside beautiful examples of our work have created a level of accountability for achieving our goals and is keeping this trade lively. Aptitude and quality are continually improved upon and excellence may be recognized.

Even as I step down from Presidency this summer, we have committed to participate internationally to keep the momentum with fellow trade organizations going. I find it refreshing to see the progress of LBP and the UKAPP, along with the continuing success of our Associate Corporate Members, APTPI, ASAP, BMXnet and meetings in Germany, Spain, and France. Let’s make this happen!