Posts tagged conventions

Point #62: 2013 Philadelphia Tattoo Convention

Sam_headshotBy Samuel Sweigart

The weekend of February 8-10, 2013 brought the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention back to the Philadelphia Convention Center,  and  like last year, the Association of Professional Piercers was also in attendance. Volunteers handed out information and educated the public on safe piercing. I worked the booth, with Lou Quino, on Saturday evening, and can happily report the show was busy. There was lots of foot traffic passing by our well-placed booth. As always, the best response was to our printed materials, with countless brochures and back issues of The Point being passed out. We also talked to a few faces brand new to the industry, apprentices who were excited about all of the pamphlets and general information that was available for the taking, and I personally bumped into a few local clients who were happy just to be able to access aftercare information at a venue outside of our shop (sometimes it is hard to get down to South Philly).

A special thanks to Troy Timpel for his generosity, support, understanding, and ability to be an overall awesome guy.

James Weber manning the APP booth at the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention.
James Weber manning the APP booth at the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention.