Posts tagged las vegas

Point 75: The Mentor Program – Cale Belford

Cale Belford headshot

Cale Belford
The Mentor Team

What is the mentor program? It is a fantastic outreach system started by Ryan Ouellette in 2009. His dream was to essentially build small conference families that could work together as a group and lean on each other for support. We have seen incredible progress and have had wonderful feedback when it comes to the program. We look forward to continuing this process for years to come.

Our mentors are well-rounded, experienced conference goers who want to ensure that the new attendees at Conference have an outstanding time. The mentor team acts to pair mentors and mentees based on similar interests, areas of knowledge, and class schedule needs. We use information built from a survey sent out during registration. These small groups consisting of a mentor and three to four mentees will help to assist and encourage each other and provide a positive and enriching Conference experience. Mentors are available to support mentees; providing reassurance if they feel overwhelmed, giving assistance with class and event schedules, or to simply give advice on where to find the tastiest tacos or a delicious vegan donut. Don’t be afraid to take full advantage of this opportunity!

Do you plan on attending Conference for the first time? Do you have questions that you would like to have answered, need help selecting your classes, or would you simply like to have a friend before arriving in Vegas? The APP Mentor Program is here to help!

If you are a first or second year attendee and would like assistance from a mentor chosen specifically for you, please email with MENTEE in the subject line. Be sure to include your name, telephone number, and other contact information in the email. There is technically no deadline for signup, but the earlier you enroll the more you will get out of the program! We are thrilled that you have decided to come to Conference this year and we are all waiting to meet you.

We genuinely want each and every one of our new attendees to get the most out of their conference experience and hope that the mentor program helps to make this possible. If you have any questions about the mentor program, becoming a mentor, or being a mentee at Conference, please do not hesitate to contact anyone on the Mentor Team. This year’s Mentor Team includes Ash Misako, Billy Wood, Chris Theis, and Cale Belford. They as well as all of our mentors can be easily identified at Conference by their Mentor Ribbons.

Part of being a mentor means that we want to ensure you are prepared and set up for success before arriving in Vegas. It’s natural to get caught up in the excitement of going to Vegas making it easy to forget even the most basic necessities. Las Vegas is a lot like the Bermuda Triangle, with all the activity and controlled chaos, it can be easy to lose track of things. So basically, if it will break your heart to lose it, leave it at home!

However, if there are a few small creature comforts from home you need to make your day a little easier or brighter, especially things you don’t feel comfortable borrowing or may be difficult to find, then bring it. The hotel will provide you with towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner, even an ironing board and hair dryer. Most of the time you can find other items in shops around the hotel, but they will be limited and expensive. If you are particular, don’t forget them.

You shouldn’t bring every credit card you have, but unexpected things may happen and it’s best to be prepared. Always keep your emergency funds separate from your spending funds.

When it comes to clothing, be sure to bring enough outfits to last you a little longer than your stay. You will be experiencing long days with many different activities and some people find it comfortable to change throughout the day. You may also want to wear different clothing to your activities, classes, meet-ups, special events, etc. And don’t forget, accidents happen, so it’s never a bad idea to have a spare shirt or pair of pants just in case. The classrooms and the hotel can get a little chilly, so you will want a sweater to make sure you are comfortable! If you enjoy dressing up for the Banquet dinner, special events, or just in general, make sure to bring your accessories. You will likely also want to look your best while enjoying the pool and hot tubs! Don’t forget about the opening party, which takes place this year at the Bally’s pool.

There may be times when you want relief from your nice shoes. We suggest bringing multiple pairs. You will track a lot of miles in Vegas!

Even if you don’t normally use lotions and moisturizers you will very likely need them in Vegas. It’s dry in the desert and even drier in the hotel. Battling dry lips in a dry climate can be even more challenging. Bring as much chap stick as you can. If you will be laying by the pool or leaving the hotel, sunscreen will save you from a nasty sunburn. Even if you only go in the sun for a few minutes, apply sunscreen! Las Vegas is no joke during the month of July!

Pain relievers, allergy pills, and the like can make a world of difference when you need it most. Make sure to bring enough to last you through your stay and a few extra days just in case. Taking vitamins in advance of arriving will improve your chances of staying healthy so don’t delay.

Things in Las Vegas can be expensive and eating between classes, events, and socializing isn’t always easy to fit in your schedule. Having a supply of on-the-go snacks that don’t require a fridge or preparation can make your week less stressed. There are some grocery stores around to help you stock up for your stay if needed.

Especially during this week of networking, it is important to stay connected. Having a copy of your portfolio ready to go on your phone or laptop can make a lasting impression while networking. With all this networking don’t be surprised if your battery needs more charging than normal. So ensuring you have chargers for all of your electronic devices is mandatory. It’s also a good idea to have a stack of business cards at the ready. We all know technology isn’t always there when we need it, so in case of an emergency or if you misplace your phone, keeping some contacts in your wallet can be a lifesaver.

By downloading the 2016 Conference app you will be able to check out your schedule, find where you are going, and to get any last minute updates.

Always have water with you! Remember that Las Vegas is a desert. Staying hydrated is not only important, but is a key to having a good experience. Awesome APP water bottles are available for purchase at the merchandise booth. There are also water dispensers provided throughout the conference area so feel free to use them!

The APP Board of Directors and Administrator, along with the Conference Staff, Volunteers and Mentors all want you to have an exceptional experience. If there are any questions we can answer or concerns that should be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Point #72: From the Editor – Marina Pecorino


Marina Pecorino
Managing Editor of Content & Statistics

Conference. Words can’t fully describe the experience of that one week a year.

This year marked 20 years of Conference, with a focus on the history of our industry: the first Body Piercing Archives exhibit, history classes lead by pioneers like Jim Ward, David Vidra, Fakir Musafar, and Blake Perlingieri, as well as an APP Timeline class with many of the people involved in making the Association what it is today. Throughout the week, I listened to individuals share their stories of involvement in the Association, the industry, and our community. Numerous times, the intensity of these personal narrativesan individual perspective of our shared historybrought me to tears.

This year also marked the first for many new procedures, technologies, and ideas being implemented to keep up with our growing attendance. Knowing that more than 1,000 people left Conference with new friends, an increased knowledge base, and a renewed sense of self is pretty incredible. This year’s Conference was the largest yet, and there’s every indication that next year will continue this trend.

Now that I’ve been home for nearly two months (most of you will read this closer to the three month mark), the post Vegas depression has faded and I have settled back into the groove of everyday life. But my memories of Conference are still bright and they leave me invigorated.

Still, I miss walking through the hotel and being met with welcoming smiles, warm hugs, and genuine camaraderie. Have I mentioned all the beautiful people and beautiful jewelry?! Occasionally, I look through my photos from the late night/early morning walks around the Strip, exploring the all-too-fake, yet mesmerizing “architecture”. I eagerly look through my social media to keep up with all of the amazing people I spent the week with, many of whom I met for the first time. I have received postcards and care packages from members of the volunteer family. I have sent quite a few in return and collected stacks more for future mailing. I’m already yearning for next year.

Alright, I’ll admit that maybe I’m still dealing with some PVD. The environment of that week is a hard thing not to miss, so join me as we take a detailed look at the 20th anniversary APP Conference & Exposition.


Point #62: 18th Annual Conference And Exposition — Class and Conference Schedule

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is a basic timetable of what courses are being offered, and when. For full class descriptions and registration information, click here

Monday, June 10, 2013

9:00 AM  –  10:30 AM
Orientation / Mentor Program
11:00 AM  –  1:00 PM
Basic Steel & Titanium
11:00 AM  –  1:30 PM
Preventing Cross-Contamination in the Sterilization and Piercing Rooms (A)
11:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
ROUNDTABLE: Becoming an APP Member
11:00 AM  –  1:30 PM
Studio Documentation
12:30 PM  –  1:30 PM
ROUNDTABLE: Outreach: Sharing the Safe Piercing Message
2:00 PM  –  6:00 PM
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
2:00 PM  –  3:30 PM
Customer Service Philosophy
2:00 PM  –  3:30 PM
Stretching: Everything More than Lobes
4:00 PM  –  6:30 PM
Preventing Cross-Contamination in the Sterilization and Piercing Rooms (B)
5:00 PM  –  6:00 PM
Bedside Manner and Grounding: Connecting with Your Client
5:00 PM  –  6:30 PM
Studio Aesthetics

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Aftercare Series: Wound Healing Dynamics
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Marketing & Social Media
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Minimizing Tools: An Intro to Tool-Less Piercing (A)
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Preventing Cross-Contamination in the Sterilization and Piercing Rooms (C)
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
The Ins and Outs of Female Genital Piercing
1:00 PM  –  3:00 PM
Surface Piercing: Going Deeper than the Surface (A)
1:30 PM  –  3:00 PM
Aftercare Series: Client Home Care
1:30 PM  –  2:30 PM
Roundtable: Interpersonal Studio Dynamics
2:00 PM  –  4:00 PM
Tools are Not the Devil (A)
3:30 PM  –  4:30 PM
Meeting: Health Inspectors
3:30 PM  –  4:30 PM
Meeting: International
3:30 PM  –  4:30 PM
Roundtable: Aftercare From the Masses
4:45 PM  –  6:15 PM
Aftercare Series: Troubleshooting
4:45 PM  –  6:15 PM
Basic Statim Usage
4:45 PM  –  5:45 PM
Roundtable: Shop Owners
4:45 PM  –  6:45 PM
Minimizing Tools: An Intro to Tool-Less Piercing (B)
6:15 PM  –  7:15 PM
Roundtable: Legislation
7:00 PM  –  9:30 PM
Preventing Cross-Contamination in the Sterilization and Piercing Rooms (D)
7:30 PM  –  9:00 PM
Anodizing is Awesome!
7:30 PM  –  9:30 PM
Aseptic Technique & Suspension
7:30 PM  –  9:30 PM
Corporate Branding: Delivering on Your Promise
8:00 PM  –  9:30 PM
Initial Jewelry: The “Rules” (and when to break them)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Ear Projects: The Ear as Art
10:00 AM  –  11:30 AM
Managing Difficult Clients
10:00 AM  –  11:30 AM
Photography Tips for Industry Professionals
10:00 AM  –  12:30 PM
Preventing Cross-Contamination in the Sterilization and Piercing Rooms (E)
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Minimizing Tools: An Intro to Tool-Less Piercing (C)
1:00 PM  –  3:00 PM
Anatomy of the Body for Piercers
1:00 PM  –  3:00 PM
Surface Piercing: Going Deeper than the Surface (B)
1:00 PM  –  3:00 PM
Tools are Not the Devil (B)
1:30 PM  –  2:30 PM
Roundtable: Statim Maintenance and Troubleshooting
3:15 PM  –  4:15 PM
Meeting: New Attendees & Mentors
3:15 PM  –  4:15 PM
Roundtable: Finding Balance Between Work and Life Outside the Studio
3:30 PM  –  6:30 PM
4:30 PM  –  6:30 PM
MEMBERS ONLY: Exploring Sexually Functional Piercings
4:30 PM  –  7:00 PM
Preventing Cross-Contamination in the Sterilization and Piercing Rooms (F)
4:45 PM  –  6:45 PM
Minimizing Tools: An Intro to Tool-Less Piercing (D)
7:00 PM  –  9:00 PM
Making Effective Piercing Rituals
7:30 PM  –  8:00 PM
Social: Members Mingle
8:00 PM  –  9:00 PM
Meeting: Members (APP members only)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

10:00 AM  –  11:30 AM
Gold and Diamonds! Knowledge, Sales and Custom Design
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
The Grieving Body: Does Body Modification Injure or Heal the Psyche?
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Surface Piercing: Going Deeper than the Surface (C)
10:00 AM  –  12:00 PM
Tools are Not the Devil (C)
10:45 AM  –  11:45 AM
Roundtable: Breaking Barriers: Building a Local Piercer Group
12:15 PM  –  1:15 PM
Roundtable: Transitioning to and Selling Higher End Jewelry
12:30 PM  –  3:00 PM
Oro-Facial Anatomy for Safe & Successful Piercings
1:00 PM  –  3:00 PM
Minimizing Tools: An Intro to Tool-Less Piercing (E)
1:00 PM  –  3:00 PM
Tools are Not the Devil (D)
1:45 PM  –  2:45 PM
Roundtable: Working with Vegetarian/Vegan Clients
3:15 PM  –  4:45 PM
Going Paperless
3:15 PM  –  4:45 PM
Medical Risk Assessment
3:15 PM  –  4:15 PM
Roundtable: The Transgendered Effect
5:00 PM  –  6:30 PM
Beyond Ramps: Disabilities 101 for Piercing Professionals
5:00 PM  –  7:00 PM
MEMBERS ONLY: Technique Workshop
5:00 PM  –  7:00 PM
Surface Piercing: Going Deeper than the Surface (D)

Friday, June 14, 2013

10:00 AM  –  1:00 PM
First Aid
11:00 AM  –  1:00 PM
Tools are Not the Devil (E)
11:00 AM  –  1:00 PM
Surface Piercing: Going Deeper than the Surface (E)