Posts tagged Latin American Association of Body Piercing

Point 73: LBP Update – Jef Saunders

Jef Saunder headshotJef Saunders
Membership Liaison

The LBP—Asociación Latinoamericana de Body Piercing AC (Latin American Association of Body Piercing) Conference was held in Tlaxcala, Mexico at the Trinity Vacation Center from November 2-6, 2015. This is the third annual official LBP Conference, and the second I was lucky enough to participate in.

The LBP Conference has a special magic air that surrounds it. While it is officially a Spanish speaking conference, piercers from around the globe were in attendance. The remote location of the facility means that most attendees and speakers arrive via buses provided by the LBP. These bus rides are wonderful, which feels weird to say, but the whole trip from Mexico City to the vacation center is a wonderful bonding experience. My experiences vary from practicing my classes to thoughtful discussions, even sing-alongs to ‘80s songs. It fosters a wonderful sense of community amongst the speakers and attendees.

In terms of setting, this year’s LBP was spectacular. The Trinity Vacation Center is a wonderful facility, with brick walls and a stunning view of the volcanic mountains surrounding it. The combination of the remote location, climate (warm days and chilly nights), mountain air and the time of year (Día de Muertos) made for a unique experience that I believe all the attendees enjoyed.

Classes were held throughout the week, and were located in two classrooms connected by a courtyard with a Day of the Dead altar at the center.The Point Issue 73 - LBP Asociacion Latinoamericana de Body Piercing AC

This year I was thrilled to present two separate classes: “Disposable Piercing Studios” and “Navel Piercing: Advanced Fundamentals”. My Spanish is very limited (although the full immersion allowed me to follow along with many conversations, even if I didn’t have the means to contribute in Spanish) so I was fortunate to have translators assist me.

“Disposable Piercing Studios” was co-instructed by Oscar Sandoval, who speaks fluent Spanish and added quite a bit to the presentation. I also had the assistance of Ruben Lew and Jesus “Sala” Cabanas. These two have several projects in the works geared toward Spanish speaking piercers, and I am looking forward to what they have planned.

In my “Navel Piercing: Advanced Fundamentals” class I was joined by Ana Paula Escalante; she seems to be effortlessly everywhere, always helping with everything ensuring a great LBP Conference. There were seemingly endless choices of classes to choose from, but the conference still felt tightly curated. There were presentations by Bethrah Szumski, Autumn Swisher, Nick Wolak, Mauricio Torres, Javier Fingazz, Jesus “Sala” Cabanas, Ruben Lew, Danny Yerna, Luis Garcia, Didier Suarez, Erika Gomez, Oscar Sandoval, Eduardo Chavarria, Ryan Ouellette, Alejandro Hernandez, Ana Paula Escalante and Matias “Rata” Tafel.

I think when one attends a new conference of this type, they can be tempted to draw comparisons and contrasts to familiar events they have attended. What I think is a more honest approach to evaluating any conference is to judge it on its own merits and those alone. The LBP Conference is truly wonderful. The quality of classes are superb. The facility is wonderful, and the people make this experience extra special. The LBP Conference either intentionally or as a happy accident fosters deep friendships amongst piercers who may have otherwise never met. I can’t say enough positive things about the excellent job the LBP Board of Directors and their volunteers do. I hope to be a part of LBP Conferences for many years to come, and I look forward to seeing so many LBP attendees at the APP Conference next year.The Point Issue 73 - LBP group selfie