Posts tagged Latin American Body Piercing

Point 73: Beto Madrigal Award

presented to Ed Chavarria
at the LBP Gala
by Beto’s brother Ennio Madrigal
The Point Issue 73 - Beto Madrigal Award - LBP Gala 2015

Unfortunately Beto took his own life last year, Beto had a large role in the LBP and this new award akin to the APP’s Josh Prentice volunteer award was to recognize outstanding volunteer work and contributions to the piercing community.

Spanish Original:
Muy Feliz y agradecido con LBP… por seguir honrando la memoria y el aporte de mi hermano Beto …para con la industria del Body Piercing Latinoamericano … Para mí es un orgullo que hayan nombrado con el nombre Beto Madrigal el premio que entregarán año con año en la gala de Latinoamérica Body Piercing… Este año le correspondió a nuestro querido Eduardo Chavarria….recibir este importante reconocimiento por su entrega y compromiso para con la industria del Body Piercing. Felicidades mi queridísimo Ed…!!! Sé que Beto se encuentra feliz de que te entregaran …tan merecido reconocimiento..!!

Thank you, Luis Garcia, for an English Translation:

I am very happy and thankful to the LBP for continuing to honor the memory of my brother Beto and the support he gave the body piercing industry in Latin America. I am proud that they named the service award after my brother, Beto Madrigal, and that they will be presenting this award year after year at the LBP gala. This year the award was given to the beloved Eduardo Chavarria for his hard work and commitment, not only to the Latin American body piercing community, but the industry worldwide. Congratulations Ed. I know that Beto is happy that you were honored with this much deserved award.

The Point Issue 73 - Beto Madrigal Award presented to Ed Echavarria - LBP 2015