Posts tagged Marina Pecorino

Point 89: From the Editor

Marina Pecorino, Managing Editor– The Point

The Point started in 1994 as a black and white paper mailer with a rotating cast of producers. The very first iteration1 stated in its introduction that “we intend [for this publication] to serve as a forum for information; all contributions are welcome.” In Issue 22, The Point producers stated that the publication was intended to “make piercing a safe, positive, evolving craft” and cautioned submitting authors to “expect to be variously disagreed with, challenged, or supported by other subscribers. That’s exactly The Point.”

This will be my final issue as a Managing Editor of The Point: Journal of Body Piercing, and the last consolidated issue to be published in a “printable” magazine format. Over the last five years I’ve helped to produce and publish 20 issues containing various tidbits of industry history; I’m sincerely proud of this professional and personal accomplishment. This unexpected opportunity allowed me to know colleagues and our organization in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise experienced. I feel closer and more connected to the piercing community, thanks to the knowledge I have gained as an Editor for this amazing publication. I am eternally grateful to have had this chance, and to have worked so closely with Kendra Jane B. and Jim Ward during my time with this project.

Moving forward, the publication will be exclusively available at in a blog style. We continue to encourage and welcome submissions of body modification and piercing related writing and high resolution images to Since inception, this publication seeks to provide a reliable and progressive source of industry information, and a public platform for the diverse set of voices in our field.

The overall theme of this issue was originally planned around the interconnection between LGBTQIA+ and body mod culture; I had untold enthusiasm and personal connection to this theme. Unfortunately, due to a lack of author submissions from our community on the topic, and my own mental hurdles about ending this project (I’m not a fan of endings), the publication date was pushed far beyond our normal quarterly schedule.

Ultimately, I made the difficult decision to refocus the enclosed content around the current state of our industries and communities. Alongside many others, recently my attention and energy have been redirected; concentrating on how we can work together to create a community and support others in these uncertain and ever-evolving circumstances. I am proud of the work that my colleagues and organization have accomplished in the face of this crisis; more information about these labors of love can be found on subsequent pages of this issue.

Unfortunately, like many others, I have very different feelings toward the collaboration, guidance, and assistance offered by my state and national governing bodies. This issue offers a selection of perspectives from different industry professionals on the current COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this difficult experience, I have been feeling much like Leah Sarah Kent describes later in this issue; “defeated, sad, and ultimately helpless” about the “systemic oppression and inequalities this virus so clearly exposes” and the lack of “major collective action as a people to rise up and fight for a new society.”

Personally, I am ready for a social and structural revolution, with the safety, security, and well being of the nation and world as the cornerstone. Until then, I’ll continue doing what I can to use my platforms to share diverse perspectives, reliable information, and available resources with my local and global communities. I hope that you will do the same. As Caitlin McDiarmid has said: “Stay Positive. Stay Generous. Stay Safe.”

1 “The Point—official newsletter of the APP,” File Archive, Association of Professional Piercers, accessed May 20, 2020,

2 “The Point—official newsletter of the APP: Volume 1, Issue 2,” File Archive, Association of Professional Piercers, published January 1995,

Point 86: From the Editor – Marina Pecorino

In April, the Association of Professional Piercers will be 25 years old. As a community, we’ve come a long way; from bedrooms, basements, and dungeons to a reputable international industry with professional organizations, standards, best practices, and training opportunities. With that change, we’ve also experienced a drastic shift in the public’s perception of our trade.

With public attention comes public scrutiny. As both an industry and individual practitioners, we have a decision to step up our game and work toward professional growth and advancement, or rebel in an attempt to hang on to our subculture status. It is my feeling that we should not settle for mediocrity and succumb to doing things the way they’ve always been done, just because change is challenging and intimidating. Learn new skills. Educate yourself and your staff. Make professional and personal development a priority. Aim for continual improvement.

Along those lines, the APP has made some updates to what was previously called our Health and Safety Agreement. This document has now been expanded to address the diversity and inclusivity of our industry, and has been retitled as the APP Member’s Code of Conduct.

Read about these changes and inspiring words on this topic from APP President, Jef Saunders, later in this issue. Staying grounded is a key component of professional and personal development. Logical and level-headed decisions are difficult to make when egos are unrealistically inflated or emotions are heated. Jacob Spjut explains the difference between an industry’s knowledgeable elites and the attitude of elitism. Knowing who in our community has a wealth of expertise on a particular topic is an important step to forever learning. On the same token, Chris Beierschmitt’s article provides information on finding reliable, credible, and trustworthy information from sources outside of our industry, including peer-reviewed research. We are human and not expected to know everything. As any good teacher will tell you, it is not about rote memorization, but about knowing where to look to find what you need. As the APP’s Membership Administrator, I am experiencing first hand the rapid and immense growth the organization and industry are undergoing. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing what new directions our leadership and industry elites will lead us in next. But it is important to remember that each individual plays an integral role as well. As Kendra Jane expresses, it is time to step up and be the change you want to see.

Point 84: From the Editor – Marina Pecorino

by Marina Pecorino, Point Editor

Starting from the time my shoes touch the Vegas cement several days before the attendees arrive, the week of Conference is usually a blur for me. This year had the added complexities of new motherhood; extra calls home and using my breaks to pump breast milk made my already busy schedule even more packed.

Much of my work happens after classes end and most attendees head to the bar. Unfortunately, my workload and late hours meant that I missed many of the extracurricular activities this year, including the Opening Pool Party at the Flamingo, most of the Banquet (which featured attendee karaoke and a special visit from Elvis), and all the Alternative To The Bar activities. Thankfully, I still found time to take a guided tour through the Body Piercing Archive Exhibit and make a few quick passes through the Expo.

By the end of the week, as usual I was both exhausted and revitalized. Conference provides a chance to develop professionally and personally, and although classes are no longer my personal focus during the week, I always glean new knowledge from the overall experience. I was able to attend a few classes and they were wonderful, led by a range of speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences. It seems that every year, our class offerings provide an ever-expanding range of topics, from technical, to analytical, to anthropological. Every year, it seems that the week has an unnatural momentum; starting out steady, but somehow quickening the closer we get to the end, until suddenly the week is over. This year, that progression seemed even more spectacular than usual. The final flurry of activity comes during pack out, which the Volunteer team managed to accomplish in record time this year. That evening culminates with one last “family” dinner, after which we gather for speeches, allowing the Volunteers to speak from the heart about their experience. This is one of my favorite times during Conference, hearing how each individual will go home changed in some way with a renewed sense of themselves and their connection to the industry and our community. We all come together in the same city for the same event, but the week alters each person in their own unique way.

After dinner and speeches this year, I made it back to my room just in time to see the Bellagio fountains erupting. I stood at the window in welcomed silence, watching the colored water and lights dance amid the city of sin and excess. In that post-Conference quiet, I took a few moments to mentally prepare for reintegrating with normal life; it is amazing how different life  can feel during Conference week. It will take many of us time to decompress, organize, and fully understand our experience, so if you had the opportunity to attend, I hope you take the time to reflect and share your thoughts. If you were not able to attend this year, consider joining us for our first year at Planet Hollywood for the 24th Annual Conference and Exposition May 12-17, 2019.