Posts tagged safepiercing

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Hannah Bough

I initially found out about Conference four years ago. However, up until last year, attending it was something that seemed unachievable for me, until I found out about the Al D. Scholarship. I found applying for the scholarship to be an extremely nerve wracking experience. I just hoped that throughout the application process my hard work, dedication, and passion for the industry would show. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the moment I got the call from Kendra to say I made it. Achieving a place as a Scholar was definitely a career defining moment for me.

In the weeks leading up to Conference, I became extremely excited to meet all of the faces I had seen from the other side of a computer screen. I watched all of the training videos, attended meetings, and prepared myself for the tasks that were to be set for me as a Scholar. However, nothing could prepare me for what I was about to undertake.

Being a volunteer means you get to be part of this awesome group of people who accept you as if you have been part of Conference since day one. They accept you as one of their own and take care of you when you need it (and even if you don’t.) I have never met a group of people so willing to help others at the drop of a hat. The selflessness of the volunteers is astounding and I am already counting down the days until I get to see them again.

There are numerous things that happened during my time at Conference that I won’t forget: the myriad of information during classes, meeting some of the piercers whose work I admire, volunteer dinner, and the extremely loud singing on the way (I’m sure the other passengers on the bus were delighted by our dulcet tones!) Yet, one of the most overwhelming and emotional moments for me was having my name called out at Banquet. It made me feel privileged to stand up in front of my peers, knowing that we are all striving to make our industry a better place and that all of the hard work during the application process had been worth it.

I am really happy that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and applied for the scholarship. It was definitely worth all of the stress I put myself under. If asked if I would do it again I would, without a second thought. Since coming back from Conference I have faced my work with a renewed energy and I am counting down the days until next year. Thank you to everyone I met during my week for making my experience great, but especially Caitlin, Kendra, and Ryan for allowing me to be part of it.

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Angie van Dijken

“I’m too inexperienced, too small, too far away. Let’s attend in the future, when I’m more experienced. Why should I attend now?” Thoughts that have frequently gone through my head. I was second guessing myself all the time; doubt all over. It wasn’t until after a conversation with Shorty; he convinced me to go, with just one single question: “Do you want to improve?” Of course I do! “Then sign up,” he said and so I did. Two days before the deadline with the thought, “at least I tried.” I’m happy I did, because I got through!

I drove to the airport, slightly fearful of going on a trip this far alone and not knowing what to expect, but there was no need to be worried. I arrived safe and sound at Bally’s Hotel and it felt like home right from the start. It’s just so great to see people from all over the world, with the same passion for piercing and the same purpose to attend—to teach and learn.

Everyone was super friendly and showed true interest in one another, all open for a chat or a hug. It is the place to network, make friends, have fun, and have a drink or two. Just by having conversations with others, you will learn new things, get new ideas, or get the advice you were looking for. In one week you will increase your knowledge and expand your view on things.

The classes were great and interesting. Being a volunteer, I also had the chance to see what goes on back-stage, how truly amazing it is to see so many people working together to make this Conference happen. Without them, this wouldn’t be possible!

I’m so glad I applied for the Al D. Scholarship. I’ve grown in so many aspects, professionally and personally. Not only did I learn a lot, but I also made new friends. I have a new family now. I can proudly say, I’ve been there and hell yes, I’ll be back again as a volunteer!

So, if you are like me—second guessing if you should go, because you feel like you don’t have the experience or own a small studio—just ask yourself one thing. Do you want to improve?

Point 76: Thank You, Ash Misako – Kendra Jane B

Kendra Jane headshotKendra Jane Berndt
Managing Editor of Content & Archives

I am fortunate to work in an industry that surrounds me with beautiful things, special occasions, and brilliantly talented people. One such person I feel lucky to not only call a colleague but a friend is Ash Misako, the wandering piercer. Ash has a no nonsense attitude and will always tell you where you stand, but at the same time she wants you to stand as tall as you can and be the best you can. I am absolutely honored to be able to say thank you to Ash, from the bottom of my heart. I am so proud that I have the opportunity to join the Board of Directors as you step down, and it would not have been possible without your support.

As a fellow piercer I admire her commitment to the highest standards, the fact that she never settles, she strives to stay at the forefront of education and knowledge, and willingly helps many new piercers better themselves. As a client I admire these exact same attributes, but I also know that I am in safe hands, and that she would never compromise my health or the experience that I was looking for by rushing the process or just to make the sale. Ash is a special combination of everything a piercer should be.

headshot of Ash Misako
Ash Misako
photo credit: Autumn Swisher

A perfect testament to Ash’s commitment to our industry can be seen in the beautiful gold end from Anatometal named after her, the “Kira Kira”. However, the respect that accompanies something such as this was not earned overnight. Before owning her own shop, Kira Kira, Ash spent many years honing her piercing skills at Hearts of Fire. In fact she has been piercing since 2001 and an APP Member since 2008. Since she joined the APP, her invaluable commitment to helping and bettering our industry has become even more evident; piercing is not just a career for Ashley, but truly a passion. She has volunteered countless hours for this passion, all to ensure young piercers are steered in the right direction. She helps those piercers wanting to become Members alongside her, providing answers to their questions as they move through the steps to membership.

She has spearheaded the mentor program at Conference for the past 3 years and has set it up for success. Now, she steps down from the Board and away from these responsibilities to focus on other areas of piercing for awhile.

I hope she knows what an invaluable mentor and role model she has been to, not only myself and fellow Members, but to piercers worldwide. Ash Misako, thank you for all you’ve done.

Point 76: President’s Corner – Jef Saunders

Jef Saunder headshotJef Saunders
APP President

The first time I ever heard Brian Skellie’s name was in a discussion about “how crazy people can get about cleanliness.” This was in 2001 or 2002 and I kind of just assumed Brian was some nut who wanted to turn body piercing into surgery. Little did I know I’d become an enormous fan of Brian’s, a proponent of much of his philosophy, a fellow Board Member and a friend.

Brian’s tenure as President was really a joy to behold. For those not in the know, Brian is a spectacular navigator of choppy waters. To him, no problem seems insurmountable; every issue fraught with emotion has a rational conclusion. Brian is the rare worker-bee that is also an expert boss.

During Brian’s tenure, the APP had it’s largest conferences to date. He helped process the application and renewals of literally hundreds of Members and applicants. He acted as a resource to the Legislation Committee. He served as International Liaison, supporting piercers all over the globe with their questions about piercing and the Association of Professional Piercers. He also filled in as Medical Liaison by committee. He spoke at industry related conferences all over the world. During all of this, he also ran businesses on two continents. Did I mention he did all of this from France, while raising two young children?

It really is difficult to imagine body piercing being quite what it is without Brian’s influence. Whether the discussion centers around health and safety, freehand technique, material standards, anodization, StatIM autoclaves, or disposable studios, Brian’s name will come up. He’s a master of all things piercing related.

If Brian’s tenure as President marked his departure from APP work, I’d write about how much we’d miss him. Of course, that’s not Brian’s style at all (and we are very thankful for this.) He will continue to assist the Board in all things technical and web related. He is now deeply entrenched in the work of updating the data processing of our ever-expanding membership. Thus giving the organization, and all APP Members, a modern and streamlined method of maintaining membership standards.

Brian hasn’t done this alone. I know this from my own personal experience. Without a dedicated partner, the kind of volunteer hours someone like Brian puts in are simply not possible. His wonderful wife Sandrine is as much a part of this work as Brian is. Thank you Sandrine!

Brian has taught me a lot about piercing, but he’s also taught me a lot about being a dad. One of my favorite experiences with Brian was talking about fatherhood in Mexico late one night while we attended the LBP Conference. It was one of those conversations you think back to and say, “I really needed that at that point in my life.” He may not have thought much about it, but I did… and still do.

So thank you, Brian. You’ve been an exceptional Board Member and President of the Association of Professional Piercers. Thank you for your ongoing support of not only the APP, but the entire piercing community.

Jef thanks Brian for his service as APP President
Jef Saunders honors Brian Skellie at the 2016 APP Conference