Posts tagged vendors

Point #60: Thank You, Vendors

The vendor expo at our annual conference is one of the main draws for many attendees, and understandably so. There isn’t another place a professional can go to see such a massive variety of body piercing jewelry, products, and services. Judging from the feedback I received, this year was also one of the best and smoothest for our vendors in quite some time. The vendors worked hard to provide our conference attendees with beautiful jewelry, amazing new innovations, and wonderful booth designs. It is obvious that a tremendous amount of energy, effort, and planning went into every booth space on the show floor.

On behalf of the organization, the Board, and myself, I would like to thank all of the merchants who took part in the vendor expo at Conference this year. Without your hard work, the expo would not have been possible.

I would like to especially thank all of the many generous vendors who donated merchandise and gift certificates to the raffle, and those who sponsored the events and special offerings throughout the week. It is these contributions and sponsorships that help make Conference such a special and fun event for our attendees, and help keep the conference growing and evolving. I look forward to working with everyone again next year, and hopefully with many new vendors, too!

—Luis Garcia, Vendor Liason