Point #70: Total Membership Statistics

Total Membership Statistics Introduction

By Marina Pecorino

In the 20 years since its inception, the Association of Professional Piercers has grown by leaps and bounds. Enrollment is ever-changing as members join, move to different membership types, and/or withdraw. Many members who leave the Association may later decide to apply again. As the APP has grown, membership types have been adjusted and renamed, and the requirements for membership have evolved. Despite this fluidity, consistent growth, rather than decline, has been experienced within the association.

Although vital statistics of membership have been documented since the beginning, records were not always as thoroughly maintained as they are now. In 2003, a reconciliation of the data was done to ensure accuracy. This resulted in the removal of members that had previously dropped their membership but not been removed from the official rolls. Enrollment numbers before this reconciliation are somewhat distorted in favor of growth. The drop in membership seen in 2003 is a visual representation of this adjustment.

2015 will mark another statistically significant shift. In the past, the membership year has been calculated from May to April. This year, the APP has decided to recalibrate using the traditional calendar year. Due to the fact that the 2014 membership year will still run until May, the membership numbers will still be relevant when compared to past statistical data. Unfortunately, with this shift, the statistics for 2015 will be skewed due to the shortened year (June to December) as a result of this recalibration.

When viewing the data, a few significant landmarks are visible. Between 2005 and 2009, the APP experienced annual growth rates between 4.89% and 7.63% consistently. This growth then slowed somewhat until 2013, which experienced a record number of 72 new members and 17.30% annual growth. It is also very important to note that the APP is experiencing better retention of members in recent years. Some of the increased growth and maintained membership can be attributed to the spike in safe piercing education available through social media. With this came a push toward higher standards for quality jewelry and better-educated piercing professionals. Luis Garcia and Christina Shull have provided articles for this issue explaining some of the influences that have lead to growth in our industry over the past 20 years.

Until May, when the 2014 membership year officially draws to a close, it is impossible to give precise data for membership, but it is safe to say that the Association of Professional Piercers is constantly growing. As the Association continues to expand, the spread of the safe piercing message will as well. To find out more about becoming a member, visit safepiercing.org.