Point #64: Innovator’s Award Winner for Technical Innovation: Jimmy Buddha – Diablo Organics

SONY DSCInterview by Shanna Dickey

Shanna Dickey: Congratulations on winning the Technical Innovator Award this year.
Jimmy Buddha:
I appreciate it, and a big “thank you” to the APP community and everyone who was a part of this year’s Conference. We couldn’t be happier to bring home the Technical Innovator Award. In a craft that has been around for thousands of years, it is difficult to come up with new, innovative concepts, and to be recognized among a community of trail blazers is a great honor.

SD: How do you come up with your ideas?
As a piercer for more than 15 years, I have insight into body jewelry function and design. When I work with people who have specific body modification needs, I love the challenge; that’s what gets me going in the morning.

SD: What is your design process?Point64-Buddha Award Winning Jewelry 2
It’s really organic and depends upon the materials around me. I just start playing with a design and incorporate function for that specific material. If I like something, I run with it.

SD: Who inspires you?
I get inspiration from our industry’s wide array of individuals. That’s what keeps me here: the independence and originality.

SD: What was your new technical innovation?
I designed spreader hooks for JP. They were created from 28-million-year-old megalodon teeth unearthed in the deltas of the southeastern US. They took about eight months to complete, from sourcing the material to designing the piece.

SD: How are spreader hooks innovative?
People with large stretched lobes want to wear heavy weight without permanently damaging their ears. Heavy weights can leave sore spots and even cause thinning of the lobe itself. The spreader hooks help to distribute the weight over a larger surface area than traditional hooks. It also turned out to be a pretty sexy design element for the piece overall.

SD: Do you create custom orders for a lot of people?
I put a lot of time and energy into custom orders and try not to overextend myself. Sometimes they can take a year to complete. A lot of the designs we create have limited availability, so we have to reshape and transform to stay current. That way even our “classic” products are limited and have a custom feel.

SD: How is working with an individual different than designing for your new lines?
Everybody’s needs are different. With regular catalog designs, I have to compromise. With custom orders, I have the opportunity to really focus on their specific modification needs.

Point64-Buddha Award Winning JewelrySD: What did you think of this year’s fashion show?
I was really excited to be a part of the fashion show. I think it was a great success and an important direction to move in for body modification, fashion, and jewelry. Everyone really stepped up to the plate, and we made each other look good.

SD: What was most memorable at this year’s APP Conference?
The APP Conference is a family reunion of sorts. I have built some really strong relationships over the years, and APP gives me the opportunity to visit with friends I don’t otherwise get to see. It’s also my chance to make connections with our new clients and continue to build those relationships.

SD: What are you currently working on?
I want to make sure our designs stay fresh and relevant. We are a wholesale company and customers have a lot of different shopping options today. We want to keep our clients in the loop and remain competitive. I have assembled a great team to help with every step of the way.

SD: Tell me a little bit about your team?
Jenny and Shanna are holding down the fort in Austin five days a week, always willing to answer any questions. Lauren is traveling around the States in “La Diablita”—our little red Diablo Organics’ car—and heading to a shop near you. We are really focusing on customer service and providing a good product to our clients. Our designs have been really well received, and we continue to evolve as a company and team.

SD: What do you have in store for the next year?
I’ve been focused on creating a strong infrastructure in Austin. I feel like now I can really begin to search for different raw materials, and continue to look for new methods, techniques, designs for that next big thing. I’ll let you know when I find it…