Point #68: From the Editor

Kim Zapata headshot_2014Kimberly Zapata

Ah, the after Conference crash—more commonly referred to as post-Vegas depression, or PVD. For me, it set in the second I stepped through the doors at McCarran International Airport. Sure, I was thrilled to go home and see—and hug—my 11 month old daughter (and husband), but there was so much more I wanted to do. So many friends I wanted to see, so many conversations left unheld.

Even so, it was an exciting week. We welcomed new Board members Cody Vaughn, Jef Saunders, Chris Glunt, and Miro Hernandez. We welcomed Brian Skellie to his new position, as President of the APP, and said goodbye to our outgoing Board: John Johnson, Sarvas Berry, and Elayne Angel. At our annual Members meeting we had quorum; something I cannot tell you how many years it has been! (Quorum is the minimum number of members of an assembly or society needs be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid.) And we educated, re-educated, and revitalized over 1,000 piercers and piercing professionals from across the country, and world.

This year’s Conference was a testament to just how far we have come. With over 1,000 attendees (think about that for a moment, 1,000!), next year stands to be even more exciting as we will celebrate our 20th Annual Conference. (The Conference Committee will be meeting in the next couple of months. If you have any class proposals—or other ideas—for our 2015 event please send them to info@safepiercing.org as soon as possible.)

What better way to highlight our progress then with this full-Conference feature issue. From the opening party to the banquet dinner, and from our volunteers to our Expo and innovations winners, each digital page is covered with the moments and memories, so sit back and enjoy the memories—or check out just a few of the moments you missed out on.

Welcome to issue #68 of The Point!