Point #69: From the Editor

Kim Zapata headshot_2014By Kimberly Zapata

It is with a mix of emotions that I write this From the Editor column, as it will be my last. After months of struggling to maintain that precious life/work balance we all seek, I found it to be too great after some very personal, and unexpected, circumstances arose. Something had to give; unfortunately, that something proved to be this publication.

I began my work with The Point in late 2009, just after I started working at Infinite Body Piercing, Inc. I sat down to edit articles for issue #49, my first, and felt totally and completely intimidated. I felt secure in my knowledge of language and grammar rules, but the content was mostly foreign. (I was modified, yes, and loved body modification but I had no industry experience. I was an outsider looking in.) I edited those articles as timidly as one could have, changing punctuation and fixing spelling mistakes. And edited in this manner for many issues, until James Weber encouraged me to be more aggressive — reminding me it was our publication and our industry, reminding me I was a part of that industry. I still felt an outsider as I wasn’t, and would never be, a piercer, but my confidence grew.

I continued serving  as a contributing editor for several years. but when James stepped down in 2012—and The Point switched from a print publication to an online one—I took the reigns, with issue #61.

The entire time I have worked with the APP and this publication,  as both editor and a contributing editor, has been nothing short of amazing. I hope to continue on as part of the “Point posse,” I just no longer have the time to dedicate to spearheading the publication that it (and you all) deserve.

What’s next for The Point? Whatever you want! That is the beauty of this publication, and our organization. The Point will become whatever you want it to, whatever you make of it. While it is with a touch of sadness that I must do this, I also know it will be exciting for The Point to get some “fresh blood” in, and take the publication to another level.

I want to thank my amazing Point team: Kendra Jane, Elayne Angel, and Jim Ward. It has been an honor and pleasure working with each of you. Even with all of the initial (and technical) hiccups, you made my transition smooth and seamless. You always made me feel part of a family I, for so long, convinced myself I wasn’t worthy of, and you have each touched my life, and my work, in a way I can never truly verbalize. I am eternally grateful for everything the three of you have given me.

And to James Weber, my predecessor and current boss: Thanks for seeing something special in the little girl with the overly wordy resume and “anime” hair. You took a chance on me and, looking back I cannot say I know why, but that chance has forever changed me, personally and professionally. I am blessed and honored to not only call you my boss but my friend.

I want to thank the Board, old and new, and the entire APP family: Thank you all for allowing me to be a part of this incredible organization and for trusting me with such an integral role. It has been a wonderful ride.