While Jesse Villemaire and Efix Roy focus primarily on health and safety courses (in both English and French) in Canada, my primary focus is on techniques and their application. I offer shadowing sessions for profession- al piercers in my New Hampshire studio, Precision Body Arts. Shadowing allows a piercer to witness techniques and client interactions first hand to help expand their knowledge base. I offer short seminars annually at the Boston Tattoo Convention, but I hope to expand my USA seminar offerings to full day classes at my studio and at host studios in the USA in 2018. I also volunteer teaching time at several conferences worldwide including APP, UKAPP, BMXnet, LBP, and GEP in Brazil. I look forward to continuing volunteer instruction to bring safe practices to as many piercers as possible. I can be contacted through my website www.precisionbodyarts.com/ as well as www.progressivementorship.com.

Ryan Ouellette teaching at APP Conference 2017. Photo by Autumn Swisher

I provide a variety of different educational experiences. In addition to teaching for the Fakir Intensives and the Association of Professional Piercers, I have been an instructor in Mexico at LBP, in Brazil at GEP, and in Great Britain at UKAPP. I provide my own line of classes, called the Advanced Fundamentals series, and have provided these classes at several shops all over North America. Topics discussed include disposable piercing studios as well as techniques classes on specific piercings like the nostril, nipple, navel, daith, tragus, and rook. I also provide in-shop consultations. You can book me for an Advanced Fundamentals class catered to your needs or a shop consultation by contacting me at Jef@JefSaunders.com

I teach classes about the various metals used for body jewellery, their pros and cons, their history and source, how they are created, and their uses within pierc- ing. I have taught at UKAPP (2015, 2017), APP (2017), and BMXnet (2017). My life before piercing was as a Mechanical Engineer for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) where I specialised in materials testing and quality control. Now I’m a professional guest artist and jewellery manufacturer. I have also taught private seminars based around increasing sales and efficiency within a studio, and I am planning a new sales seminar for UKAPP next year. I’m based in the UK, but travel for work, so the best way to contact me is through Instagram (@aidenmustdie) or Facebook (Aiden Johnson).

In-Person BBP classes (California Industry Specific)—Lee A. Ballesteros
This class is geared to anyone who is associated with the body art industry in California. The Safe Body Art Act in CA requires that all persons who are at risk of exposure to BBP undergo yearly industry specific training. This course has been crafted to expressly address all aspects of body piercing and tattoo studio regulations and precautions that will be necessary to conform to these needs. Covered topics are fully inclusive of the BBP Standard, best practices within our industry, and what the Safe Body Art Act means to us. I have built my course to seamlessly transition between the BBP Standard, which is Federal Law, and the CA Safe Body Art Act, which is for us in California studios. I cover the common sense stuff, the hard stuff, and then delve deeper to help you discover what can be done to protect yourself and your clients. Knowledge is power and you must be familiar with all the ins and outs of the law to wield this power. If you have chosen to be in this profession, you must also make the conscious choice to be a professional about it. No other course will do this for you, and no other instructor is as committed to the personal experience as I am. Although we all have our regular BBP certification that is usually completed online, nothing can replace an in-person course with respects to understanding just how much we need to do to keep ourselves and our customers safe. Questions and discussion are immediately available. Since we do this all day, every day, we tend to become lax after a time. How much attention is paid when you do the online course? Do you find yourself tuning out? Make it a more engaging event; one that can save your life.
Lee A. Ballesteros has been a body piercer and studio owner for 25 years, and has taught her own industry specific BBP course, B.A.P., since 2011. Courses offered in the past through Coun- ty Environmental Health Departments include Sacramento County & San Joaquin County. The B.A.P. course is a recognized and approved BBP course in most California counties. This course is offered in a group setting either at your studio or through the local Health Departments.
If you would like to organize a group or host me in your studio please contact me at contactleeb@gmail.com. If you would like to ask your Health Department to offer an in person course, you can have them contact me also. Cost is $25.00 per person and includes a course booklet and certificate, good for one year. Travel time is included within an hour and a half ra- dius, while further distances are charged by the mile – so the more attendees, the less expensive it can be! The course takes approximately two and a half to three hours.

I started teaching my own educational seminars in 2014. I have enjoyed teaching for the APP and other organizations, but wanted to try a different format, more like a workshop, but with live piercing demos (which we cannot offer at APP and many other conferences). I wanted to concentrate on technique theory and technique application, which I feel can be more difficult to process in a conference environment. These ideas led to me teaching my first seminar at The Crypt in Arlington,Texas, a two-day ear project and surface piercing seminar.
The reception for the seminar was way better than I had hoped, but I knew I wanted to adjust the way I did things. I reworked a few things, and relaunched my seminars in 2016.
I prefer to concentrate on technique theory and technique application. I can do a set topic or two, as I have done for most of my seminars. With enough notice from a host shop, we can get the word out to your clients and book appointments for the piercing models. Many times, the students want to volunteer to be piercing models as well. The first half of the day is theory and lecture, then after lunch we cover the technique application and live piercing.
I can also offer a more “freeform” approach, as I did for a seminar at Amory Body Arts in San- ta Cruz, CA. They were concerned that the main topic I was teaching at the time (genital piercing) wouldn’t garner interest from potential client/piercing models, so I built a class around what piercings clients were willing to let me perform in front of my students (ironically half of the appointments were for genital piercings). The client would come in for the appointment, do their paperwork and select jewelry, then while the Statim sterilized, the client could sit in with the students on the theory presentation for the piercing they were about to get. This went well on several levels, breaking up the day a little more, and the clients absolutely loved learning about the piercing they were getting.
If anyone is interested in being a host shop for my seminars, please feel free to contact me at bodmodkub@gmail.com, or via Facebook message.