Point 82: Women of our Industry – Editorial by Marina Pecorino

Marina Pecorino, Point Editor

There have been a large number of influential and instrumental women in modern body piercing. This issue has been cultivated specifically to highlight some of these figures. As you might expect, it would be impossible to cover all the incredible females of our industry’s history within one issue, but we hope to initiate a dialogue and bring awareness to the often overlooked female pioneers.

From the early years of Gauntlet to current, women have played an integral role in the development and progress of our industry. All too often though, these piercers and body modification practitioners have not been represented in the forefront of the movement.

My personal journey within the body modification world has been greatly influenced by my female clients, coworkers, and predecessors, but probably the biggest impact on my life within the industry has come from Caitlin McDiarmid. Without her, this organization and my own personal journey would be in a very different place.

As you read through these pages, we hope you find knowledge, inspiration, and empowerment.