Category News

Point 76: Election Time is Upon Us – Derek Lowe

I’m sure many of you are burned-out on election talk given how divisive and controversial the recent U.S. Presidential election was. I’m optimistic we can get through the upcoming APP election with much less friction and vitriol; not to mention far fewer TV ads and automated phone calls.

As a 20+ year member of the APP, I was around before there were elections for Board positions. I’ve participated in all of the elections (I’m pretty sure) and I’ve seen that process change, for the better, over the years. I believe the current system is the best we have ever had. It is a little ironic that being an outstanding piercer has almost nothing to do with how qualified or effective someone will be to serve on the Board of the Association of Professional Piercers, but it’s the truth.

Being able to execute flawless septum piercings all day long doesn’t mean someone is good at time management. Being the head piercer at a well-known studio doesn’t mean someone is good at working with others to solve problems. Just because someone seems to be nice when you talk to them on Facebook, it doesn’t mean their personal life is in-order and they will be able to dedicate the time and energy necessary to complete their duties as a member of the Board. Enjoying hanging out with someone for a couple of hours at Conference doesn’t mean they handle conflict well and are open to compromise. Just because you like the idea of a candidate who wants to “shake things up”, it doesn’t mean they have any idea about the legal structure and requirements of running a non-profit organization.

Having 1,000,000 Followers on Instagram doesn’t mean someone has an understanding of the APP’s mission statement of education.

It can be difficult to know what skills and experience a candidate has that will be applicable to serving the APP. For the last few years, I have started doing three things to help me make a more-informed decision about my colleagues who are trying to get elected.

I look for a history of successful service to the APP. Members who have worked on subcommittees, volunteered at Conference and/or offered up their time and services to the organization in other ways, consistently prove to be Board members that finish their terms and are effective at helping the APP move forward.

I really read the bios the candidates present during the process. I want to know how they have helped the APP and what skills and experiences they have that will be directly applicable to being an effective Board member.

I reach out to candidates and ask them questions about their experience and their ideas. I try to find out in what ways they think they can be effective and what ideas they have about the current state of the APP as well as the future of the organization.

It is my hope that for the upcoming election, and all future elections, the membership will put thought and time into why we are casting the votes we are. Instead of just voting for names you recognize, or people you like, dig a little deeper. Demand a little more of the people who want to represent our industry and our profession to the rest of the world. Thank you and happy voting!

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Loreia Bürgen

This year’s Conference was really intense for me. But in a more efficient way – as a professional and as a person. Unfortunately not everything worked out as originally planned, but in the end everything worked out well. As I said, it was still very intense.

As some of you may know, I had a very rough year and one of my main focuses was self care. This worked out pretty well – I hydrated, gave myself enough sleep, and tried to eat as healthy as you can in Vegas. This idea of self care could also be seen with other people this year. I worked as an underground volunteer; I made a point to bring coffee for fellow volunteers and forced people to eat fruits. 😀

I took really awesome classes this year, from the “safety” classes (procedures in the sterilization room, and piercing room, and the statim class) to the marking class. I took the anatomy class again this year and I really loved it; when you know how you should work, it is important to repeat the basics again and again and again. This gives me a real good feeling.

I learned a great deal and will (again) make some changes in my studio: I will rebuild my sterilization room in the next months and I am super proud that I will be able to do a second showcase with high quality jewelry! I also brought some gold home with me and I am super stoked about this! I travelled to the Conference with the last of my savings and spent it all at the Expo, but I have faith that this is the right way to act (my faith comes from receiving the scholarship). Thanks to everybody who made this possible for me. I can’t express what this means to me. I tried to find as many piercers as possible to say thank you for the scholarship, but I know there are more of you. So I just want to let you know, I am full of love and full of gratitude for you!

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Fabrício Cardoso

Original Port:
A minha participação como um atendente bolsista Al D. foi extraordinária toda a trajetória, textos, vídeos, visto, conversas para no fim fazer tarefas modestas, acompanhando toda a responsabilidade

de lidar bem com o público, de não interromper o ritmo de trabalho, uma preocupação minha. Foi com certeza um presente, um grande prêmio da minha vida, pela qual sou muito grato. Que ajudou nos custos de uma viagem internacional. É uma felicidade muito grande ter ajudado a cuidar da casa. O contato com pessoas boas, profissionais, envento organizado. Curti todas as classes, eventos, socialização, cada momento inédito.

O reconhecimento do esforço aqui veio rápido e responsabilidades também. Percebi como estamos perto do ideal é como o bom acabamento faz toda diferença. Emocionante ver a indústria do piercing americana de perto, sua história. E é sentir seu maior bem que são as pessoas que intregram a APP, gostei imensamente do povo muito educado, hospitaleiro e carinhoso.

Interpretation by Pablo Nicolas Perelmuter:
My involvement as an Al D. Scholar was extraordinary. I had a few concerns before attending; the whole process of the event, the instructions and videos regarding modest volunteer tasks, following all responsibilities when dealing with attendees, and not interrupting the pace of work.

It was definitely a gift, a great prize of my life, for which I am very grateful. This gift helped cover the costs of my international travel. In return, I was more than happy to help take care of the Conference while connecting with good people and professionals in a well organized event.

I enjoyed all classes, events, socializing, and each unique moment. The recognition of the effort here came fast and responsibilities too. I realized how close we are to the ideal and how the detail is what makes all the difference. It was exciting to see the American piercing industry closely, and witness its history. It feels like your greatest asset are the people that are part of the APP.

I enjoyed myself immensely. The people were very polite, hospitable, and kind. Thank you very much for everything.

Editor’s Note: Please note this serves as an interpretation rather than a translation; a direct translation from Portuguese to English is not possible.

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Nicole Holmes

When I look back at the big fuzzy ball of excitement and emotion that has become my fused memory of this year’s APP Conference, I can’t help but inhale a contemplative breath of satisfaction and wonder. This year was my first and I was fortunate to be awarded the Al D. Scholarship; it gave me a view beyond simply attending.

The event and location were not at all what I had expected. As it turns out I thoroughly enjoy Vegas, which came as quite a surprise being a tree-dwelling hippy! Before the Conference began, I took the time to look around; wandering the streets it was easy to spot other piercers doing the same. We definitely took over Vegas!

Cherry picking my highlights I would have to say the first few volunteer meetings were an unforgettable experience. Such an amazing collection of wacky and wonderful people gathered for a collective cause. I felt instantly at home and quickly part of the volunteer family. Helping with attendee reception during Registration was particularly electric. All the attendees lining up down the hall with anticipation. An incredible hubbub.

Another favorite moment was the privilege of covering the Expo door just as the Members-only hour started. It was so fun to be part of that hour long piercer Christmas!

I had a particular fondness for 45 piercings in 45 minutes. This was a fast paced video reel of quick edit videos showing the few seconds before, during, and after the execution of a piercing from a head cam worn by the piercer.

Also, I never realized how many Members-only sessions there would be. While there were so many classes available to every piercing attendee, the Members-only sections were quite different. Delving deeper and longer into the discussion material.

But fun and memorable aside, I wasn’t just attending as Nici the piercer and volunteer. I was also there as Nici the first president of the UKAPP and for that, I had many many educational and eye opening moments. Seeing the well-oiled machine that is Caitlin and Conference – together still learning and growing, becoming ever more tight knit – showed me that the UKAPP holds the potential for something great. It has the potential to become a thing that really can benefit both individuals and the industry mutually.

For example, the doubling up of speakers in each class was possibly accidental genius. Having multiple opinions on each topic, varied experiences, and often even moments of yin and yang techniques was eye opening and definitely something I appreciated and will take home.

In short, I learned a lot, made dozens of new and future friends. I had some fantastic new experiences. I pushed my personal limits and boundaries. I met some of my heroes and bought some amazing jewelry. I will definitely make it my goal to return each and every year possible.

I’d like to take this opportunity to urge you to get to next year’s Conference and if you’re struggling, please apply for one of the scholarships. Also to say a huge thank you to everyone that helped me get there this year. You were right, I needed to go and it did change my life.

Point 76: Scholarship Reflections – Maree Fowler

You’ll make life long friends, they said.
Be prepared for tears, they said.
It will change your life and you will want to volunteer every year, they said.
They were right.

Receiving the call saying I was successful in gaining an Al D. Scholarship was emotional. They, the volunteers, are one big family and every year open their arms and welcome a group of strangers as one of their own. It truly is heartwarming that no matter how many miles from home any given volunteer was, no one was ever alone. With endless hugs, laughter, and self care reminders, I always felt safe and relaxed.

For many, in our youth we were the outcast, quiet, nerdy, alternative kids. To be in a place and be surrounded with what feels like ‘your own kind’ is a beautiful experience. For me personally, I was incredibly nervous, shy, and found it hard to start conversations. Mostly I was anxious for my first volunteer shift working the classroom door. It’s an intimidating feeling having up to 300 beautiful and skilled piercers standing in front of you, many of whom I admire. There were many I did not know, but wanted to get to know. However, I surprised myself and found I loved scanning their passes and welcoming them to the class. The quick hellos and welcomes, exchanging a few friendly words; this gave me the confidence I needed to enjoy and gain the most from Conference.

There are so many highlights, memories, and experiences to list. If asked what I took away from Conference, I would have to say, passion for this industry. I gained more than I even had before, self confidence to trust in myself both professionally and personally. Should I ever need to reach out, I have the support of my new duckling family and fellow attendees from Conference. Las Vegas and the APP Conference & Expo has been a humbling and unforgettable experience.

This wee lassy has come back to Scotland with newfound friends, new goals I will strive to achieve, and a lasting desire to be the best piercer I can be.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will make it my mission to be there again next year. All my love.

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Hannah Bough

I initially found out about Conference four years ago. However, up until last year, attending it was something that seemed unachievable for me, until I found out about the Al D. Scholarship. I found applying for the scholarship to be an extremely nerve wracking experience. I just hoped that throughout the application process my hard work, dedication, and passion for the industry would show. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the moment I got the call from Kendra to say I made it. Achieving a place as a Scholar was definitely a career defining moment for me.

In the weeks leading up to Conference, I became extremely excited to meet all of the faces I had seen from the other side of a computer screen. I watched all of the training videos, attended meetings, and prepared myself for the tasks that were to be set for me as a Scholar. However, nothing could prepare me for what I was about to undertake.

Being a volunteer means you get to be part of this awesome group of people who accept you as if you have been part of Conference since day one. They accept you as one of their own and take care of you when you need it (and even if you don’t.) I have never met a group of people so willing to help others at the drop of a hat. The selflessness of the volunteers is astounding and I am already counting down the days until I get to see them again.

There are numerous things that happened during my time at Conference that I won’t forget: the myriad of information during classes, meeting some of the piercers whose work I admire, volunteer dinner, and the extremely loud singing on the way (I’m sure the other passengers on the bus were delighted by our dulcet tones!) Yet, one of the most overwhelming and emotional moments for me was having my name called out at Banquet. It made me feel privileged to stand up in front of my peers, knowing that we are all striving to make our industry a better place and that all of the hard work during the application process had been worth it.

I am really happy that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and applied for the scholarship. It was definitely worth all of the stress I put myself under. If asked if I would do it again I would, without a second thought. Since coming back from Conference I have faced my work with a renewed energy and I am counting down the days until next year. Thank you to everyone I met during my week for making my experience great, but especially Caitlin, Kendra, and Ryan for allowing me to be part of it.

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Angie van Dijken

“I’m too inexperienced, too small, too far away. Let’s attend in the future, when I’m more experienced. Why should I attend now?” Thoughts that have frequently gone through my head. I was second guessing myself all the time; doubt all over. It wasn’t until after a conversation with Shorty; he convinced me to go, with just one single question: “Do you want to improve?” Of course I do! “Then sign up,” he said and so I did. Two days before the deadline with the thought, “at least I tried.” I’m happy I did, because I got through!

I drove to the airport, slightly fearful of going on a trip this far alone and not knowing what to expect, but there was no need to be worried. I arrived safe and sound at Bally’s Hotel and it felt like home right from the start. It’s just so great to see people from all over the world, with the same passion for piercing and the same purpose to attend—to teach and learn.

Everyone was super friendly and showed true interest in one another, all open for a chat or a hug. It is the place to network, make friends, have fun, and have a drink or two. Just by having conversations with others, you will learn new things, get new ideas, or get the advice you were looking for. In one week you will increase your knowledge and expand your view on things.

The classes were great and interesting. Being a volunteer, I also had the chance to see what goes on back-stage, how truly amazing it is to see so many people working together to make this Conference happen. Without them, this wouldn’t be possible!

I’m so glad I applied for the Al D. Scholarship. I’ve grown in so many aspects, professionally and personally. Not only did I learn a lot, but I also made new friends. I have a new family now. I can proudly say, I’ve been there and hell yes, I’ll be back again as a volunteer!

So, if you are like me—second guessing if you should go, because you feel like you don’t have the experience or own a small studio—just ask yourself one thing. Do you want to improve?

Point 75: Member Updates – Aaron Pollack

Aaron Pollack

Aaron Pollack
Flying Tiger Tattoo

The APP has a lot going on this summer, and we want you to join us! Read through for all the latest updates on Conference, Camp APP, raffle updates, and the Members Meeting Notice.

Attending Conference? Be sure to book in the APP room block at Bally’s! Booking within the block allows you to have the option of choosing not to pay the resort fee (which is usually mandatory), and that alone saves you $30 a day!

Filling the room block benefits the APP’s ability to negotiate the spaces and rates we are given in the future for conference spaces and hotel rooms. The APP is able to retain its meeting spaces only when the room block is filled. Please, help us achieve our goal of filling the room block this year!

After a long day and night of socializing, being able to take one elevator back to your room is way better than taking a bus, taxi, or walking numerous blocks back to another hotel. Staying in the host hotel fosters a bigger sense of community at the event and keeps you close to your home base for the week!

Check out the links below to learn more about how to book in the APP room block at Bally’s, our host hotel for 2016. The room block closes June 21, so be sure to book today! APP ROOM BLOCK REGISTRATION

Do you like raffles that include awesome prizes? Attendees have multiple opportunities to win prizes, with separate raffles being held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Our Vendors in the past have generously donated prizes with wholesale values from $50-$15,000!

Don’t wait to buy your tickets at Conference! Purchase in advance through your registration and have the tickets waiting for you when you arrive!

The best gamble in Vegas is waiting for you at Conference 2016! Register for Conference now!

Members Meeting Notice
Members Meeting Wednesday July 27th 7-8:30pm

This meeting will cover all current APP business for the membership. Voting members will sign in to determine if the meeting has met the required quorum. Non-voting members are welcome to attend, as well as one representative from each APP Corporate Sponsor. If you wish to address the board and membership, you may reserve a time slot by emailing

There will be a Members Mingle before the meeting, 6:30-7:00pm. Refreshments will be served.

The APP and Body Piercing Archive are very excited to announce a charity fundraising auction for which all proceeds will go towards the BPA and their efforts in preserving our industry’s history!

Over the past year, beautiful handmade items were meticulously constructed from donated iconic piercing industry t-shirts. Sharon McLaughlin Gowen has generously donated her time in fabricating quilts, backpacks, bags, and Ipad cases for this cause.

The items will be on display and the silent auction will happen at the 2016 APP Conference!

Thank you Sharon and Gene Gowen for making this happen!

Conference Site Survey
Every year hundreds of piercers, counter staff, shop owners, and jewelry manufacturers look forward to the Association of Professional Piercers Conference. For the past several years we have met in the desert oasis known as Las Vegas. As we look forward to planning our Conferences for 2019 and beyond we want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to complete our survey from which we will be able to gather information pertinent to creating and putting on the best Conference possible. Thank you in advance for your time, the APP appreciates your ideas and opinions. TAKE THE SURVEY HERE.

Join us for CAMP APP 2016!

The 2nd Annual CAMP APP will be held OCT 11-15 at Hard Labor Creek State Park in beautiful Rutledge, GA

We hope you will join us for a week of fun, learning, and excitement at our 2nd annual Members Retreat.

Point 74: Charles Gatewood Remembered – Kendra Jane B

Kendra Jane headshotKendra Jane Berndt
Managing Editor of Content & Archives

Charles Gatewood, 73, had an indisputable impact on our industry, although he was never a piercer. On Thursday, April 29, 2016 Charles passed away due to complications from a fall on April 8, 2016. According to Betty Gatewood, Charles’s sister, the earlier fall from the third floor balcony of his apartment was a “suicide attempt as he had left several notes behind.”1 No matter the cause of his death, the burden of grief is not eased.

Charles Gatewood black and white photographIn addition to numerous private collections, Charles Gatewood’s images have been archived in over a dozen libraries and universities across the United States. The Gatewood Archive is currently curated at the Bancroft Library at University of California, Berkeley, which is now the steward of the lion’s share of the Gatewood Archive. Before his death, Charles Gatewood donated his video archive to the Body Piercing Archive. We digitized the first ⅓ of the collection last year, with the remaining ⅔ to be digitally preserved this year.

The Gatewood Archive contains several thousand vintage and modern silver prints, 250,000 slides and negatives, plus contact sheets, proof prints, personal papers, correspondence, over a thousand books, and special collections. The archive also contains three films (including a copy of Dances Sacred and Profane) and a selection of prints by other fine art photographers.2

In our winter issue, we’ll thoroughly explore the incredible impact Charles had on our industry.Charles Gatewood Photographs - Badlands

“Charles Gatewood, the man known as ‘the anthropologist of the forbidden’, has been documenting America’s sexual underground and alternative subcultures since the 1960s,”

“And though his name may not be that familiar to some younger pervs whose knowledge of fetish history is not that broad, the chances are that even these people will instantly recognize some of his best known images… Gatewood’s work can be traced back to photographs that appeared in the late ’80s ReSearch publication “Modern Primitives,” the seminal work on body modification cults and characters, which introduced the original Modern Primitive, San Francisco’s Fakir Musafar, to a much wider audience.”

“Much of the activity that Gatewood documented on the margins of society in the ’70s, ’80s and early ’90s is now part of contemporary youth culture, today, tattooing is commonplace, and pop stars regularly appear in SM-influenced attire. As sexual and body modification practices once seen as radical and taboo become increasingly accepted by the mainstream consciousness, Gatewood’s photography can be seen as showing the way.”

—Fetish newsletter, TheFetishistas

1 New York Times, May 4, 2016 “Charles Gatewood, Photographer of Extremes, Dies at 73,” by William Grimes
2 Wikipedia
– Gatewood, Charles (1999). Badlands. Goliath. ISBN 3980587649.
– Gatewood, Charles (1999). Badlands. Goliath. p. 17. ISBN 3980587649.
– Donohoe, Joe; Lynn Rubenzer (October 2012). “Charles Gatewood: Story of the Eye”. Specious Species (Six): 19–30.
– Gatewood, Charles (1975). Sidetripping. Strawberry Hill Books. ISBN 0891550011