Point 76: Scholarship Reflections – Maree Fowler

You’ll make life long friends, they said.
Be prepared for tears, they said.
It will change your life and you will want to volunteer every year, they said.
They were right.

Receiving the call saying I was successful in gaining an Al D. Scholarship was emotional. They, the volunteers, are one big family and every year open their arms and welcome a group of strangers as one of their own. It truly is heartwarming that no matter how many miles from home any given volunteer was, no one was ever alone. With endless hugs, laughter, and self care reminders, I always felt safe and relaxed.

For many, in our youth we were the outcast, quiet, nerdy, alternative kids. To be in a place and be surrounded with what feels like ‘your own kind’ is a beautiful experience. For me personally, I was incredibly nervous, shy, and found it hard to start conversations. Mostly I was anxious for my first volunteer shift working the classroom door. It’s an intimidating feeling having up to 300 beautiful and skilled piercers standing in front of you, many of whom I admire. There were many I did not know, but wanted to get to know. However, I surprised myself and found I loved scanning their passes and welcoming them to the class. The quick hellos and welcomes, exchanging a few friendly words; this gave me the confidence I needed to enjoy and gain the most from Conference.

There are so many highlights, memories, and experiences to list. If asked what I took away from Conference, I would have to say, passion for this industry. I gained more than I even had before, self confidence to trust in myself both professionally and personally. Should I ever need to reach out, I have the support of my new duckling family and fellow attendees from Conference. Las Vegas and the APP Conference & Expo has been a humbling and unforgettable experience.

This wee lassy has come back to Scotland with newfound friends, new goals I will strive to achieve, and a lasting desire to be the best piercer I can be.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will make it my mission to be there again next year. All my love.