Not all of them of course—not the technical classes, not the hands on classes. What about the others? The inspirational classes. The stuff that makes you think. The people who open your eyes and stretch your perceptions. Talking about new concepts or angles of approach to subjects you might never have thought about. These are the kind of classes that don’t need hours and hours. In fact all that extra time would bog them down and the core idea would get lost in a miasma of unnecessary flotsam.
This was the idea behind Talk APP. Inspired by the success of the ever popular TED Talks we crafted a new format just for the APP that gives us the ability to put all these great class ideas into a smaller, faster, more exciting format. With only twenty minutes for each presenter, we are able to take great ideas and boil them down to the roots. Our aim is to give you a class with punch that you’ll actually remember. This year we had two talks with standing ovations.
We hope you checked out our new format. If you haven’t already, please give us your feedback. We are always striving to integrate new ideas and make this better. We look forward to hearing from you! We can’t wait to see what next year’s topics will bring.