Posts tagged board elections

Point 76: Election Time is Upon Us – Derek Lowe

I’m sure many of you are burned-out on election talk given how divisive and controversial the recent U.S. Presidential election was. I’m optimistic we can get through the upcoming APP election with much less friction and vitriol; not to mention far fewer TV ads and automated phone calls.

As a 20+ year member of the APP, I was around before there were elections for Board positions. I’ve participated in all of the elections (I’m pretty sure) and I’ve seen that process change, for the better, over the years. I believe the current system is the best we have ever had. It is a little ironic that being an outstanding piercer has almost nothing to do with how qualified or effective someone will be to serve on the Board of the Association of Professional Piercers, but it’s the truth.

Being able to execute flawless septum piercings all day long doesn’t mean someone is good at time management. Being the head piercer at a well-known studio doesn’t mean someone is good at working with others to solve problems. Just because someone seems to be nice when you talk to them on Facebook, it doesn’t mean their personal life is in-order and they will be able to dedicate the time and energy necessary to complete their duties as a member of the Board. Enjoying hanging out with someone for a couple of hours at Conference doesn’t mean they handle conflict well and are open to compromise. Just because you like the idea of a candidate who wants to “shake things up”, it doesn’t mean they have any idea about the legal structure and requirements of running a non-profit organization.

Having 1,000,000 Followers on Instagram doesn’t mean someone has an understanding of the APP’s mission statement of education.

It can be difficult to know what skills and experience a candidate has that will be applicable to serving the APP. For the last few years, I have started doing three things to help me make a more-informed decision about my colleagues who are trying to get elected.

I look for a history of successful service to the APP. Members who have worked on subcommittees, volunteered at Conference and/or offered up their time and services to the organization in other ways, consistently prove to be Board members that finish their terms and are effective at helping the APP move forward.

I really read the bios the candidates present during the process. I want to know how they have helped the APP and what skills and experiences they have that will be directly applicable to being an effective Board member.

I reach out to candidates and ask them questions about their experience and their ideas. I try to find out in what ways they think they can be effective and what ideas they have about the current state of the APP as well as the future of the organization.

It is my hope that for the upcoming election, and all future elections, the membership will put thought and time into why we are casting the votes we are. Instead of just voting for names you recognize, or people you like, dig a little deeper. Demand a little more of the people who want to represent our industry and our profession to the rest of the world. Thank you and happy voting!

Point 76: President’s Corner – Jef Saunders

Jef Saunder headshotJef Saunders
APP President

The first time I ever heard Brian Skellie’s name was in a discussion about “how crazy people can get about cleanliness.” This was in 2001 or 2002 and I kind of just assumed Brian was some nut who wanted to turn body piercing into surgery. Little did I know I’d become an enormous fan of Brian’s, a proponent of much of his philosophy, a fellow Board Member and a friend.

Brian’s tenure as President was really a joy to behold. For those not in the know, Brian is a spectacular navigator of choppy waters. To him, no problem seems insurmountable; every issue fraught with emotion has a rational conclusion. Brian is the rare worker-bee that is also an expert boss.

During Brian’s tenure, the APP had it’s largest conferences to date. He helped process the application and renewals of literally hundreds of Members and applicants. He acted as a resource to the Legislation Committee. He served as International Liaison, supporting piercers all over the globe with their questions about piercing and the Association of Professional Piercers. He also filled in as Medical Liaison by committee. He spoke at industry related conferences all over the world. During all of this, he also ran businesses on two continents. Did I mention he did all of this from France, while raising two young children?

It really is difficult to imagine body piercing being quite what it is without Brian’s influence. Whether the discussion centers around health and safety, freehand technique, material standards, anodization, StatIM autoclaves, or disposable studios, Brian’s name will come up. He’s a master of all things piercing related.

If Brian’s tenure as President marked his departure from APP work, I’d write about how much we’d miss him. Of course, that’s not Brian’s style at all (and we are very thankful for this.) He will continue to assist the Board in all things technical and web related. He is now deeply entrenched in the work of updating the data processing of our ever-expanding membership. Thus giving the organization, and all APP Members, a modern and streamlined method of maintaining membership standards.

Brian hasn’t done this alone. I know this from my own personal experience. Without a dedicated partner, the kind of volunteer hours someone like Brian puts in are simply not possible. His wonderful wife Sandrine is as much a part of this work as Brian is. Thank you Sandrine!

Brian has taught me a lot about piercing, but he’s also taught me a lot about being a dad. One of my favorite experiences with Brian was talking about fatherhood in Mexico late one night while we attended the LBP Conference. It was one of those conversations you think back to and say, “I really needed that at that point in my life.” He may not have thought much about it, but I did… and still do.

So thank you, Brian. You’ve been an exceptional Board Member and President of the Association of Professional Piercers. Thank you for your ongoing support of not only the APP, but the entire piercing community.

Jef thanks Brian for his service as APP President
Jef Saunders honors Brian Skellie at the 2016 APP Conference

Point 75: President’s Corner – Brian Skellie

Brian Skellie headshot at 2014 APP conference by April BerardiBrian Skellie
APP President

As I eagerly anticipate our next meeting, the gratitude that I feel towards my colleagues in this organization is responsible for a reliable renewal of enthusiasm. The APP mission, presence, and conscientiousness are core to my personal experience, education, and priorities. My purpose remains the same although my responsibilities change after this Conference.

Getting to know the membership better over these years working within the organization and at the helm has been a privilege. By making certain sacrifices and spending a lot of time on the road, I have appreciated real life meetings with quite a few of you. It has been both informative and delightful to visit with you, your studios, and manufacturing facilities.

These days, it is much easier (via the myriad of technological advancements available) to find out more about our colleagues and their work and attitudes. I’m convinced that this friendly professional espionage/stalking following is one of the best things for collegiality in our business. Evermore accessible technology has facilitated a greater sense of familiarization and a willingness to communicate. This development has provided a foundation for friendships and interaction with people who I may have otherwise been more reserved with, and I live with a daily appreciation of how online translation provides access to the world.

Our community seems to be rising, bolstered by social media and a culture of sharing among peers. Access to current information and peer review alongside beautiful examples of our work have created a level of accountability for achieving our goals and is keeping this trade lively. Aptitude and quality are continually improved upon and excellence may be recognized.

Even as I step down from Presidency this summer, we have committed to participate internationally to keep the momentum with fellow trade organizations going. I find it refreshing to see the progress of LBP and the UKAPP, along with the continuing success of our Associate Corporate Members, APTPI, ASAP, BMXnet and meetings in Germany, Spain, and France. Let’s make this happen!