Posts tagged ThePoint

Point 76: Member Updates – Aaron Pollack

2016 Elections are in full swing at the APP office. We currently have four Board of Directors positions that will end their terms at Conference 2017. Check your email inbox for your ballot. Remember that to participate in voting or running for a position on the Board of Directors the nominee must have completed a membership renewal if necessary, and have all necessary membership documentation including BBP and First Aid/CPR on file with the front office.

Conference Certificates and Photos
Certificates and photos from Conference 2016 are being processed and will be released soon. Keep an eye out for both! The photos will be posted to an official tumblr page for easy access, and will be promoted through email and conference social media pages.

Certificates will be mailed upon completion.

Conference 2016 Recap
Conference 2016 was a resounding success. We had a week jam packed with classes, expo, and our biggest raffle ever!

By the end of the week we had 986 attendees and gave away over $165,000 worth of generously donated prizes.

Thank you to every person who attended, all of our volunteers, our corporate sponsors, vendors, and those who donated.

Conference 2017 will be held June 11–June 16, 2017
at Bally’s Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas

Point 76: Election Time is Upon Us – Derek Lowe

I’m sure many of you are burned-out on election talk given how divisive and controversial the recent U.S. Presidential election was. I’m optimistic we can get through the upcoming APP election with much less friction and vitriol; not to mention far fewer TV ads and automated phone calls.

As a 20+ year member of the APP, I was around before there were elections for Board positions. I’ve participated in all of the elections (I’m pretty sure) and I’ve seen that process change, for the better, over the years. I believe the current system is the best we have ever had. It is a little ironic that being an outstanding piercer has almost nothing to do with how qualified or effective someone will be to serve on the Board of the Association of Professional Piercers, but it’s the truth.

Being able to execute flawless septum piercings all day long doesn’t mean someone is good at time management. Being the head piercer at a well-known studio doesn’t mean someone is good at working with others to solve problems. Just because someone seems to be nice when you talk to them on Facebook, it doesn’t mean their personal life is in-order and they will be able to dedicate the time and energy necessary to complete their duties as a member of the Board. Enjoying hanging out with someone for a couple of hours at Conference doesn’t mean they handle conflict well and are open to compromise. Just because you like the idea of a candidate who wants to “shake things up”, it doesn’t mean they have any idea about the legal structure and requirements of running a non-profit organization.

Having 1,000,000 Followers on Instagram doesn’t mean someone has an understanding of the APP’s mission statement of education.

It can be difficult to know what skills and experience a candidate has that will be applicable to serving the APP. For the last few years, I have started doing three things to help me make a more-informed decision about my colleagues who are trying to get elected.

I look for a history of successful service to the APP. Members who have worked on subcommittees, volunteered at Conference and/or offered up their time and services to the organization in other ways, consistently prove to be Board members that finish their terms and are effective at helping the APP move forward.

I really read the bios the candidates present during the process. I want to know how they have helped the APP and what skills and experiences they have that will be directly applicable to being an effective Board member.

I reach out to candidates and ask them questions about their experience and their ideas. I try to find out in what ways they think they can be effective and what ideas they have about the current state of the APP as well as the future of the organization.

It is my hope that for the upcoming election, and all future elections, the membership will put thought and time into why we are casting the votes we are. Instead of just voting for names you recognize, or people you like, dig a little deeper. Demand a little more of the people who want to represent our industry and our profession to the rest of the world. Thank you and happy voting!

Point 76: Scholar Reflections – Joshua Melnick

It’s been difficult enough organizing my thoughts post-Conference, so the concept of structuring an essay has been daunting to say the least. It’s been six days since Conference, and I still feel like I’m floating. Full of gratitude for those who have given to me. Full of ideas for new approaches to things. I already know who I am in this world and am comfortable in my vessel. But I walked away from this experience feeling more confident in my decisions, sourcing inspiration from the successes and joys of others in my chosen community.

I made a post on my personal social media attempting to express my thanks for all those involved with Conference, and my ability to attend it, but rereading it later I feel like it falls short. I feel like it always will. There are simply too many people involved. I suppose that’s what pictures are for; the shortcomings of words. The picture I attached to this post perhaps better encapsulated the pure joy I was blessed with experiencing. There, between the smiling faces of Paul King, Pat Pierce, and a lovely cut-out of Sailor Sid, you can see my most genuine smile of gratitude: gratitude to the universe for spinning me to that place, at that moment.

Josh Melnick with Sailor Sid

The classes I was able to experience were exceptional, and better yet the discussions afterward about the content. Being able to bounce around ideas with more than just one other piercer at a time was a first for me, and something I truly enjoyed. Seeing so many different, yet viable approaches to the same problems are very exciting, and I greatly value the connections I’ve made. These connections will allow me to reach out and further pick the brains of the individuals explaining such approaches. It’s certainly safe to say the conference experience has also taken down the veil of importance I’ve put up around certain individuals. We’re all human, we’re all geeks to one degree or another, and piercing is the language we share. I shouldn’t be afraid to speak it.

I feel blessed, truly. But I also feel proud. I acknowledge that I did not get there on my own, but I did get there of my own volition and determination. No one wrote my submissions for me, and it still required hands and thoughts. The last meal I had in Las Vegas was some Chinese food, and eating alone while reflecting on my time at Conference, I mechanically and unthinkingly reached my meals conclusion and cracked open my fortune cookie. My fortune that day – now pinned on my corkboard at home – reads “of all our human resources, the most precious is the desire to improve.” That to me is the spirit of the APP, the mission statement of piercers, and something that was so serendipitous, I can’t help but feel that I’m on the right path for myself in life.